US ARMY: Under 2 years exp 4 years exp
Private (E1) $17,892** —
Private (E2) $20,056 $20,056 $20,056
Private First Class(E3) $21,089 $23,774
Specialist or Corporal (E4) $23,360 $27,198
Sergeant (E5) $25,489 $29,851 $31,946
Staff Sergeant (E6) $27,814 $33,268
Not counting bonuses, allowances and other benefits.
Hardly looks like the lap of luxury to me. You couldn't pay me enough to do what our troops do, never knowing where you step is an IED to blow off your legs or blind you or cause you to go deaf or kill you. Never knowing who is around the next corner or on the next roof top to open fire. Breathing all that putrid sand getting in your face and all over you, going without basic amenities in the 100+ scorching heat, scratching yourself raw from the sand fleas, trying to build a school or bridge only to have it blown up by those nuts over there, being away from your family and friends, missing the birth of your kid or your children's birthdays and school play and the holidays, not holding your sweetie at night, all for what? All for nations of ingrates and barbarians over there AND over here.
Hey, would any of you who think our military get paid too much go through that for your measly $17k to $33K a year? Well, would you?
And if your rear end ever gets in a jam and you get flooded out of your home or an earthquake hits or some national disaster happens to come your way, you'll be among the first to be calling out for a rescue from our National Guard, too, I just betcha. Please. I'm thoroughly disgusted.
Enjoy your 4th of July slopping down your burgers and hotdogs and whooping it up. I'll be doing the same, but I'll be saying a prayer for our troops and thanking God above for each and every one of them and the sacrifices they are making and have ALL of them made since 1776!!!
God Bless Our Troops!!!