"Question 1. Does not the Unconditional Election of some,
imply the 'Positive Action', on God's Part, of the Eternal Reprobation of the rest ?
"Answer. Nothing is more abhorent to our best feelings and at variance with our clearest convictions of the Divine Character, than to suppose that God has Created millions of immortals, with no other Design than to Render them Eternally miserable.
"It is granted that to Choose some, is to Leave the rest;
"but there is obviously a difference between:
A. Creating men for the special purpose of making them miserable,
B. and Leaving them to reap the fruits of their voluntary corruption.
Have you ever really seen where God,
through the Apostle Paul
has anticipated this objection,
in God’s Epistle to the Romans?
“Is there unrighteousness with God?
"God forbid. For He saith to Moses,
I Will have Mercy on whom I Will have Mercy,
and I Will have Compassion on whom I Will have Compassion.
"So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth,
but of God that sheweth Mercy.”
Absolutely, and that's Gospel of Grace Truth !
"An Experiment."
"As the Articles of Faith made no attempt to explain how God preordained
everything, including sin without being its author that task was left to the
early Baptists writers. These writers found different ways to express
themselves but it is plain from their writings they taught God executed His
Will differently with regard to evil than He did with regard to good.
"Before I take up the task of dealing with this issue I would like for the reader
to participate in a simple experiment. Take a quarter in your hand. With the
back of your hand facing up open your hand so that the coin falls to the
"Now, leave it on the floor until I tell you otherwise. I want to talk to
you first about what has already happened. Tell me, did you cause the coin
to fall? You might reply that you did since you let it go and such a response
seems reasonable enough.
"But let me ask the question in another way. Did you force the coin to fall?
To this you would clearly see you did not force it to fall. It fell by its own weight.
"Now we are ready for you to deal with the fallen coin so pick it up.
"The principles of this experiment may not answer every question how a
Sovereign God brings evil and good deeds into the world but it should go a
long way toward resolving many of them.
Section II. Evil Deeds.
"I submit God is neither the author of sin
nor does He force His creatures to commit sin.
God’s Permissive Will.
"What was first demonstrated by the experiment was that by letting the coin
go you permitted it to fall. From this let me introduce the concept of God’s
permissive will. Hear me out on this. I know a lot of folk who believe in
the absolute doctrine do not like this term. I also know Arminians and
Conditionalists readily adopt this term when speaking about God’s Will.
"Therefore, I must make sure I am not misunderstood when I speak of it. I do
not believe the term means a whole variety of things can happen. For
example, it does not mean lightning during a storm may strike your front
yard tree or maybe it will be your back yard tree, or maybe instead it will be
your neighbor’s tree, or again, maybe there will be no lightning strikes near
your home at all.
"For another example, it does not mean God leaves it up to
you whether or not you will sin. Maybe you will or maybe you won’t. I do
not understand permissive will to mean what most people think when they
use the term. They think of it as open-ended; that is, that by God’s
permission a whole host of things might occur.
"Contrary to this view I believe God’s Will is specific to what He permits. God’s purposes include all things but His methods in bringing many of them to pass is through what He has specifically intended to permit and what He intended to permit will happen.
"It should be observed the coin did not fall by accident. In order for you to
participate in the experiment you both intended and permitted the quarter to
fall to the floor. You knew if you opened your hand it would fall.
You did not force it to fall. But this brings up another point.
"The nature of the coin had to be as it was in order to fall.
"Suppose you had released a balloon recently filled with helium.
Rather than falling the balloon would have actually started going upward.
"Thus, the result of your release would have been different
had the object been a helium filled balloon rather than a coin.
"In all of this we see how it can be that God’s Will encompasses sin
while at the same time He remains apart from it.
"By examining yourself and by looking at the world around you it should be
sufficient to confirm to you the biblical truth that all humanity has fallen into
sin. Paul wrote “by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin;
and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5.12).
"By referring to Old Testament passages the same apostle concluded there
was no one righteous, there was none that understood or sought after God,
and that every one went astray and became unprofitable. Their throats were
compared to open sepulchres, their talk was deceitful, and full of cursing and
bitterness. They readily shed blood, and along the way they found
destruction and misery. Peace was far from them. Finally they had no fear
of God (Romans 3.11-18).
"It is human nature to live in such depravity.
"Jeremiah taught, “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked” (Jeremiah 17.9), and Jesus taught, “out of the heart proceed evil
thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies
(Matthew 15.19).
"Paul described the sinner’s condition as being “dead in trespasses and sins” and further described what he meant when he told the Ephesians: “wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past, in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as
others” (Ephesians 2.1-3).
"Isaiah 64.6 states even what men claim to be righteousness
is actually comparable to “filthy rags.”
"When you consider all these texts is there anyone who could reasonably
think God needs to force men to sin?"
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