Does the Church condemn those who disagree with its teachings?
Ask any Catholic and he will say "of course not!".
The RCC has declared "If anyone says that the sinner is justified by faith alone, meaning that nothing else is required to cooperate in order to obtain the grace of justification, and that it is not in any way necessary that he be prepared and disposed by the action of his own will, let him be anathema" (session VI, can. 9).
Sounds like a condemnation correct? Not so fast, there is an explanation of course from the RCC.
"When the Catholic Church uses the term, such as at the Council of Trent and in its official documents, it is in the sense of excommunication or being cut off from the life-giving unity of the Church. If someone knowingly and publicly denies a defined (de fidei definita) doctrine of the Catholic Church, he can be formally declared to be excommunicated, meaning that he no longer enjoys unity with the Catholic Church."
You see? The RCC is not condemning anyone to hell, you just won't enjoy the unity with the Catholic Church. They go on to say...
"This use of the term anathema has a very precise meaning: Let him be cut off from the Church, not let him be damned to hell. And this is done by the Church in her wisdom as a way of trying to bring the one in error to his senses"
That's all. The RCC just wants you to come to your senses, they are not condemning anyone to hell.
All sounds good right? Well, there is a bit more to it than that. The RCC does not stop short of condemnation for the unrepentant sinner opposing their declarations.
Here is the complete paragraph, I did tease with holding a little back...
"This use of the term anathema has a very precise meaning: Let him be cut off from the Church, not let him be damned to hell. And this is done by the Church in her wisdom as a way of trying to bring the one in error to his senses - before it's too late and he is damned to hell by virtue of his obstinacy."
There it is, as the RCC has said, "The Catholic Church has no power to damn anyone to hell (that, of course, is each individual's unique prerogative - if you go to hell, you choose to go there),"
"An anathema or excommunication is designed to remind the sinner of his eventual fate if he doesn't repent. That's why the Church is always ready to absolve and receive back the repentant sinner. That's why those who willingly disobey the Church's teachings may be anathematized - so that they will recognize the grave danger of such a course and be willing to return to the fold."
Thus, if you are a Protestant, Baptist or any other Christian who says your are saved by your faith alone in Jesus Christ, according to the RCC, you are choosing to damn yourself to hell.
Resource: Does the Church condemn those who disagree with its teachings? | Catholic Answers
Ok so one thread you accuse that CATHOLICS are too loose allowing the salvation of Muslims, Athiest, Jews, And now you are saying we are exclusive to salvation.
MAKE up your mind.
Pick one, and call the other a LIE.
Your going to get slammed in this debate and you know it.