When it comes to the nature of Scripture I completely agree. What we hold in our hand as we read our Bibles is nothing short of God’s revelation of Himself to man. Scripture is as inerrant as God is inerrant because He is its source. I think this is vital for Christians to know as they study and strive to grow more and more like Christ. We should not study Scripture in order to accept it, but rather to understand as best we can what we have already accepted as being true because it is God’s word. Unfortunately, I do not think this is always the case in our churches.
Where I disagree is that I do not believe (from what was brought out the last time we discussed this topic) that Stanley is worried that the OT won’t stand up under scrutiny. Instead it seems to me that he is trying to avoid the issue all together by restricting evangelism to the gospel alone.
Here is an example (of how I’m viewing Stanley’s comments):
I believe in a literal 6 day creation. In fact, I believe this is necessary because of the relationship between sin and death. This relationship (death entering through the sin of one man) is important to the gospel message. That said, when we witness to other people I don’t think that we need to go into the creation debate. This does not change the fact we hold these doctrines...nor does it diminish their importance (this is where I think Stanley's comments are questionable).
My view here is that Scripture is for the Church, the gospel message for the lost.
Except he did bring it up by casting doubt on Jericho, the flood, the Exodus, etc.
I have no problem restricting the Gospel to the essentials but that does include the fall, which is undermined if you ask how anyone can believe in 2 people running around a garden naked.
Let's not forget that this was all said in a church service, which brings up another issue with Stanley and the purpose of church worship services.
Mars Hill is how Paul deals with unsaved out in the world, he gets straight to the important Gospel.
His Epsitles show how he deals with the Church, and he pulls no punches, and never undermined the Scriptures.
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