Not ACTUALLY. The term vicarius christii in the RCC meant "subbing for Christ", or in place of, speaking for Christ". That's only one meaning for anti. The commonest-used meaning was/is for "against or opposite".(anti-war, antimatter, etc.)
And the TRUE antichrist will NOT acknowledge ANY god other than himself, while giving lip service to a "god of fortresses". he will certainly not acknowledge the REAL God. OTOH, every pope has acknowledged God!
And NO pope has issued any marka the beast nor entered a temple in Jerusalem & declared himself God.
Remember, the TRUE AC MUST meet EVERY Scriptural criterion about the antichrist/beast EXACTLY, TO THE LETTER! No pope has ever come close to that! While a pope may become the beast's sidekick, the false prophet, none has been the AC since the AC hasn't yet come!