I was turned off by Lent when I was in college. Having no familiarity
If someone observes Lent, he is not Reformed, by definition.
To be Reformed should mean to have one's belief and practices constantly reformed by Scripture. Since Lent is not to be found in Scripture, if someone observes it, he is not Reformed.
If whatever one is giving up is something bad, why wait until Lent to stop doing it, and why take it up again afterwards? If it is something entirely permissible, it is false piety.
Let's say we add additional bible reading and devotional time? And, let's say at the end of the Lenten season I find that it has brought me to a closer walk with Jesus, would that be ok with you? Many people don't understand that Lent isn't necessarily giving something up but adding something. Many people also find that at the end of Lent they want to continue the practice that they began at the beginning of Lent. Non-liturgical Protestants like yourselves rarely understand this kind of discipline or benefits of it.
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