[QUOTE]Hey, Iconoclast , hold up on the "attacks".[/QUOTE]
There are attacks going on in this thread?
Lets see if we can identify the source of these attacks
Lets see what has come from the keyboard of JonC
1]There was no error on my part. Just so you don't try to wiggle out of your mistake instead of owning up to it -
2]Actually, @Iconoclast , I do understand if you cannot admit you took the first sentence of the quote of the OP and ran with it - taking it out of context. It is difficult sometimes for men to admit their mistake even when it is plainly before them. I do not necessarily understand why, but I understand some are built that way. I suppose it is pride.
3]But don't worry about it. It probably does not need saying that I've twisted nothing (my statement stands). I will not require you to once again consider my words as a whole. It is an issue of character and I do not believe forced values are true values. So stick with your claim, if that is who you are.
4]No matter what @Iconoclast would say there is NO scripture affording men spiritual truth absent the work of the Spirit. Scripture even states this of the lost.
5]I think @Iconoclast may, as you indicate, hold the teachings of some Reformers as on the same level with how Catholics view the pope. But this elevates man.
6]Yes. It is arrogant (perhaps the "original sin") to think that once saved we are no longer dependent on the Spirit of God. If the Apostles were dependent on the Holy Spirit then why on earth would we think we can come to truth independent of God? We are no more saved than were they.
This is an illustration of my caution to @Iconoclast regarding just how far he has drifted.
7]It is easy to dismiss @Iconoclast 's OP, but it needs to be taken seriously because it is a real issue in churches today.
I do not understand why we negate the work of the Spirit in the lives of believers. But I have observed that the OP is not alobe in its view of the Holy Spirit.
8]The intellectual movement of which @Iconoclast seems a member denies the present power of God in the life of the believer in favor of a formula or doctrine encompassing all needs of the believer. Scripture, however, presents the beluever not as empowered on his or her own accord bur completely dependent on God.
9]This is the problem when Christians confuse "meat" with "milk". The meat of the word is spiritual and points to a dependence on God.
10]Another issue is "walking in the spirit". How can we say we are walking in the spirit rather than the flesh EXCEPT we are walking in submition to the Spirit of God?
The more I think of it the more I come to see our brother @Iconoclast may have substituted human wisdom for the perfect Word of God.
We cannot claim to be Christian and at the same time abandon the guidance of the Holy Spirit
11]I am talking about the quote. It was mine. I did not quote John 16:13.
I am not offering you anecdotal experience. I am answering the OP. We can only know that which is spiritual through the Spirit.
I understand you disagree. I am not trying to change your mind. I am not even arguing against the error.
I am simply saying that Christians are guided by the Holy Spirit. He is our Helper. He indwells us (not just the Apostles). And He is active - not some sort of door to theology but God Himself.
That you argue against this truth speaks volumes. To attribute your acceptance of ANY spiritual truth to any means except God is wrong.
Now all of these came from the keyboard of our friend JonC.
Do they look like edifying, kind , and neccesary comments?
Or do they stray from the OP. into attacks against the poster...Iconoclast???
JONC has suggested that Iconoclast has:
made a mistake he is trying to wiggle out of,
took a verse out of context and ran with it
cannot admit the alleged mistake because of pride
has character issues
thinks the Spirit does not help believers
is like RC people viewing the pope
elevates man
is arrogant and has drifted from truth
the op negates the work of the Holy Spirit
is part of an intellectual movement that denies the power of the Spirit of God
has substituted the human wisdom for the power of God,
has confused milk of the word with the meat
you have got to admire the ability of certain posters to imagine all kinds of things until we actually see what has taken place. Lets set the record straight

Can the readers begin to see the source of this slanderous , misguided attack?
Lets investigate these claims in an effort to get the discussion back on track.
[QUOTE]Hey, Iconoclast , hold up on the "attacks".[/QUOTE]
There are attacks going on in this thread?

Lets see what has come from the keyboard of JonC
1]There was no error on my part. Just so you don't try to wiggle out of your mistake instead of owning up to it -
2]Actually, @Iconoclast , I do understand if you cannot admit you took the first sentence of the quote of the OP and ran with it - taking it out of context. It is difficult sometimes for men to admit their mistake even when it is plainly before them. I do not necessarily understand why, but I understand some are built that way. I suppose it is pride.
3]But don't worry about it. It probably does not need saying that I've twisted nothing (my statement stands). I will not require you to once again consider my words as a whole. It is an issue of character and I do not believe forced values are true values. So stick with your claim, if that is who you are.
4]No matter what @Iconoclast would say there is NO scripture affording men spiritual truth absent the work of the Spirit. Scripture even states this of the lost.
5]I think @Iconoclast may, as you indicate, hold the teachings of some Reformers as on the same level with how Catholics view the pope. But this elevates man.
6]Yes. It is arrogant (perhaps the "original sin") to think that once saved we are no longer dependent on the Spirit of God. If the Apostles were dependent on the Holy Spirit then why on earth would we think we can come to truth independent of God? We are no more saved than were they.
This is an illustration of my caution to @Iconoclast regarding just how far he has drifted.
7]It is easy to dismiss @Iconoclast 's OP, but it needs to be taken seriously because it is a real issue in churches today.
I do not understand why we negate the work of the Spirit in the lives of believers. But I have observed that the OP is not alobe in its view of the Holy Spirit.
8]The intellectual movement of which @Iconoclast seems a member denies the present power of God in the life of the believer in favor of a formula or doctrine encompassing all needs of the believer. Scripture, however, presents the beluever not as empowered on his or her own accord bur completely dependent on God.
9]This is the problem when Christians confuse "meat" with "milk". The meat of the word is spiritual and points to a dependence on God.
10]Another issue is "walking in the spirit". How can we say we are walking in the spirit rather than the flesh EXCEPT we are walking in submition to the Spirit of God?
The more I think of it the more I come to see our brother @Iconoclast may have substituted human wisdom for the perfect Word of God.
We cannot claim to be Christian and at the same time abandon the guidance of the Holy Spirit
11]I am talking about the quote. It was mine. I did not quote John 16:13.
I am not offering you anecdotal experience. I am answering the OP. We can only know that which is spiritual through the Spirit.
I understand you disagree. I am not trying to change your mind. I am not even arguing against the error.
I am simply saying that Christians are guided by the Holy Spirit. He is our Helper. He indwells us (not just the Apostles). And He is active - not some sort of door to theology but God Himself.
That you argue against this truth speaks volumes. To attribute your acceptance of ANY spiritual truth to any means except God is wrong.
Now all of these came from the keyboard of our friend JonC.
Do they look like edifying, kind , and neccesary comments?
Or do they stray from the OP. into attacks against the poster...Iconoclast???
JONC has suggested that Iconoclast has:
made a mistake he is trying to wiggle out of,
took a verse out of context and ran with it
cannot admit the alleged mistake because of pride
has character issues
thinks the Spirit does not help believers
is like RC people viewing the pope
elevates man
is arrogant and has drifted from truth
the op negates the work of the Holy Spirit
is part of an intellectual movement that denies the power of the Spirit of God
has substituted the human wisdom for the power of God,
has confused milk of the word with the meat

Can the readers begin to see the source of this slanderous , misguided attack?
Lets investigate these claims in an effort to get the discussion back on track.