Correct: I have the profound joy of working at a prison where homo-sexual acts are commonplace. The same person may have NEVER considered such acts until they arrive, and often (if they get out) never repeat the same actions again...
It's something they DO ....and there's even a disciplinary code for it:
(205) :type:
They aren't "Homosexuals".....they are perverted men who choose to satiate their lusts in perverse ways:
Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
I work weekly with prisoners at SMCI and observe the same thing.
But this does not address the question.
Even for these prisoners who are only "temporarily" homosexual, when do they BECOME homosexual?
When do they STOP being homosexual?
I contend it is a heart issue before it is a deed performed.
A sinner is NOT simply one who does certain deeds outwardly. Before he does them outwardly they fester in his heart.
I think you know this.
It is over-simplistic to say that one is only a sinner when he actually physically commits a sin.
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