The reality today is that people are dying and going to hell
and you nor I can't lift a finger about it.
and you nor I can't lift a finger about it.
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If you obey the Great Commission you can.The reality today is that people are dying and going to hell
and you nor I can't lift a finger about it.
You are very much confused. There is no "official day" to worship.
DHK rejects this just like Bob Ryan rejects it --- the only legitimate and LEGITIMATIZING work of God for the CHRISTIAN man’s ‘keeping’ of the Sabbath Day.
You are like two starving wolves in snow-covered wasteland who instead of to hunt together and be succesfull at finding some food for survival, go at one another’s throat for nothing but self-anihilation.
You are very much confused. There is no "official day" to worship.
God has created every day alike. Most Christians honor Sunday out of tradition, and secondly, because Christ rose the first day of the week.
Some time ago I went to the mission field of an Islamic nation. We held our services on Friday, the Muslim holy day. Why? That was the only day of the week the people could find time to meet together. Every other day was a work day, and there was no available time for them to meet. Was God displeased because we met on a Friday. No. He was pleased that we were able to meet one day a week, no matter what day it was.
Originally Posted by OldRegular
Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ came out of the grave on the First Day of the Week.
That is one you got correct!I think we all know that and agree that that day was Sunday "week day 1". Even the "Baptist Confession of Faith" admits to it.
And Paul reminds us that Christ said that at the Lord's table we "do show the Lord's DEATH until He comes".
1 Cor 11:25
“This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.
Two facts that are irrefutable.
Originally Posted by OldRegular
That Resurrection was the the single most important event in all of history.
He resurrected-- ONCE and He was born -- ONCE and church tradition eventually got around to celebrating easter and Christmas in true man-made-tradition fashion. Not really violating any part of God's moral Law to do so.
Christ did not die "once every week" nor was we resurrected "once every week".
Originally Posted by OldRegular
Note also in the following Scripture that it was the custom of the Saints to gather on the First Day of the week to worship, that day undoubtedly chosen to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Act 20:7. And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
Not every week - rather that one day that one week because Paul was about to leave that next morning. In Acts 20 -- it is travel plans for... week day 1.
The 7th day is repeatedly called "Sabbath" in the NT AFTER the cross but never is week-day-1 called "The LORD's day" in the NT -- it is only called 'week day 1".
The early church fathers generally viewed sabbath as a Jewish observance, and the Lord's Day as the proper Christian observance.
For example, Ignatius wrote in the early 100's A.D., describing Christians with a Jewish background as those who “have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the Sabbath, but living in observance of the Lord's Day, on which also our life has sprung up again by Him and by His death” (Magnesians 9 ) [Editor's note: Magnesians is a letter written to the church at Magnesia by Ignatius, a church father, also called Theophorus.]
Originally Posted by OldRegular
1 Corinthians 16:2. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.
Nothing in 1 Cor 16 about a worship service on "week-day-1".
Rather "lay by him in store" -- savings at home rather than a group worship service on "week day 1".
Originally Posted by OldRegular
I realize there are Scripture in the New Testament in which the Apostle Paul preached to the Jews in the synagogue on the sabbath and that Gentiles were sometimes present. However it should not be expected that Jews would meat any other day than the sabbath!
Then you need to read Acts 13 "Again" where :"almost the entire city" shows up on Sabbath - and were in fact told to meet NEXT Sabbath instead of "Tomorrow on week-day-1".
Paul present the Gospel to BOTH Jews and Gentiles on Sabbath in Acts 13 (and Acts 17 and Acts 18) but in Acts 13 most Jews whine yet gentiles accept so then they are told to "meet the NEXT Sabbath for MORE" -- and then "almost the entire city shows up" not on WEEK-day-1... but on "the NEXT Sabbath"
The Seventh-day Adventist Church's Understanding of Ellen White's Authority
Exhibit One. From The Adventist Review, December 23, 1982.
Also appeared in Ministry, February 1983.
The Inspiration and Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings
[Ten Affirmations and Ten Denials on Ellen White's Authority]
Issued by the Biblical Research Institute of The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
A statement of present understanding
In response to requests, a statement on the relationship of the writings of Ellen G. White to the Bible was prepared initially by an ad hoc committee of the General Conference. The statement was published in the July 15 [1982] Adventist Review and August [1982] issue of Ministry with an invitation to readers to respond to it. Suggestions from readers and from several groups have led to a refinement of the statement to its present form. Although it is not a voted statement, we believe that the worldwide participation in its development makes it a reflection of the views of the church on the topic it addresses. -- Biblical Research Institute.
In the Statement of Fundamental Beliefs voted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists at Dallas in April, 1980, the Preamble states: "Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures." Paragraph one reflects the church's understanding of the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, while paragraph seventeen reflects the church's understanding of the writings of Ellen White in relation to the Scriptures. These paragraphs read as follows:
1. The Holy Scriptures
The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are the written Word of God, given by divine inspiration through holy men of God who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. In this Word, God has committed to man the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are the infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the test of experience, the authoritative revealer of doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God's acts in history. Support is found in these Bible passages: 2 Peter 1:20,21; 2 Timothy 3:16,17; Psalms 119:105; Proverbs 30:5,6; Isaiah 8:20; John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; Hebrews 4:12.
17. The Gift Of Prophecy
One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an identifying mark of the remnant church and was manifested in the ministry of Ellen G. White. As the Lord's messenger, her writings are a continuing and authoritative source of truth which provide for the church comfort, guidance, instruction, and correction. They also make clear that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested. Support is found in these Bible passages: Joel 2:28,29; Acts 2:14-21; Hebrews 1:1-3; Revelation 12:17; Revelation 19:10.
God commanded ...
Don't slander. God did not reveal anything new to Darby. To put Darby into a class with the cults is slanderous and libel. He was a born again believer that loved the Lord and did not believe or associate with any of the cults. You should be ashamed.Ryan
You, and a good many others, need to ask yourselfs: Why did God wait 1800 years to reveal something new to Ms. White, Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Smith, and John Nelson Darby?
I realize some claim God has been giving new revelation to the Pope all along but really, do we need 4 more popes?
OldRegular said:Quote:
I realize there are Scripture in the New Testament in which the Apostle Paul preached to the Jews in the synagogue on the sabbath and that Gentiles were sometimes present. However it should not be expected that Jews would meat any other day than the sabbath!
Nothing in 1 Cor 16 about a worship service on "week-day-1".
Rather "lay by him in store" -- savings at home rather than a group worship service on "week day 1".
Then you need to read Acts 13 "Again" where :"almost the entire city" shows up on Sabbath - and were in fact told to meet NEXT Sabbath instead of "Tomorrow on week-day-1".
Paul present the Gospel to BOTH Jews and Gentiles on Sabbath in Acts 13 (and Acts 17 and Acts 18) but in Acts 13 most Jews whine yet gentiles accept so then they are told to "meet the NEXT Sabbath for MORE" -- and then "almost the entire city shows up" not on WEEK-day-1... but on "the NEXT Sabbath"
OldRegular said:Then why did Paul not preach on the seventh day.
OldRegular said:And why does Scripture record that he preached on the First Day if that were insignificant.
OldRegular said:And you are reading your own bias into Scripture when you say "not every week".
OldRegular said:Where is your Scriptural evidence that the First Day is not called the Lord's Day.
The Sabbath certainly is not called the Lord's day.
Why did they lay by on the First Day of the week rather than the seventh?
Which is a problem for your arguments on this thread.
Though we cannot say that the majority of "even" pro-sunday scholarship chooses to make your mistake as we notice in the following examples
"Baptist Confession of Faith"
"Westminster Confession of Faith"
C.H. Spurgeon
Andy Stanley
Matthew Henry
[FONT="]Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
R.C Sproul
"D.L. Moody"
"Dies Domini"
and many others
Yes that is right - 6 of the 7 are actually common ground between Sabbath keeping and Sunday keeping Christians.[/FONT]
So then... as usual... your argument is "with the text"
I can also say "these are not SDAs" - nor "my authorities"
but can you also say "these don't believe in worship on Sunday"??
The point is EVEN those on your "pro-sunday" side the fence see the glaringly obvious point about the TEN commandments as the moral law of God.
Not just one or two.
The majority of pro-Sunday scholarship.
When will you get that into your head?
In the list given, neither Matthew Henry, nor Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown are SDA or saturday keeping and STILL they admit to "the obvious".
You say " I don't know who Andy Stanley was."
That says a lot. You are "Baptist" right? Hint Andy Stanley is not SDA even if he does have the largest Baptist church in America.
Sproul is a strong sunday-keeping Calvinist. - which does not make him SDA by a long shot. yet even "he" admits to the point about the TEN Commandments.
--In short, not one of the sources I have given I would go to for any kind of "authoritative Pope" source for SDA and STILL they "know enough" not to be at war against the Bible - Ten Commandments..
Your turning a blind eye to these glaringly obvious details is just a red herring and that is all.
Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ came out of the grave on the First Day of the Week.
Here is an example of claims made by the pro-Sunday sources - and 6 of the 7 are actually correct according to the Bible!.
Yes that is right - 6 of the 7 are actually common ground between Sabbath keeping and Sunday keeping Christians.
1. That the Sabbath Commandment is first given to mankind in Gen 2:1-3
2. That all mankind was obligated by the TEN commandments in the OT and to this very day.
3. That the seventh day as the Sabbath was Saturday the seventh day of the week from Gen 2:1-3 until NT times - including at the cross.
4. That the Ten Commandments are the moral Law of God
5. That the moral law of God is written on the heart under the New Covenant
6. that the Ten Commandments as the moral law of God are in no way opposed to grace and the Gospel.
7. That the Sabbath commandment can rightly be BENT by man-made-tradition to point to week-day-1 after the cross.
I agree with 6 out of 7 as listed above - and yet many who post against God's TEN commandments object to all of the points listed above. And sometimes they will even go on to complain that so many of the points above are in agreement with my position and opposed to the war-against-the-Ten-Commandments position.
We're not the ones with the problem; you are.Whoah! Hold on thar!!
Your fellow Baptists have been attacking the "Baptist Confession of Faith" and C.H Spurgeon like they had red hair. Where do you stand on that?? Are you ALSO going to declare yourself at war with the 7 points in the OP??
Because these guys are almost tireless in their war against the first 6 points from the Bible as affirmed by Moody, Spurgeon and the "Baptist Confession of Faith".
Time to stand and be counted.
in Christ,
You, and a good many others, need to ask yourselfs: Why did God wait 1800 years to reveal something new to Ms. White, ?
Interesting to know where your dates come from.God waited 1500 years to reveal a thing or two to Noah.
God waited 4000 years to reveal a thing or two to John the baptizer.
God waited 5800 years to reveal a thing or two (written down in 50,000 pages of manuscript) to Ellen White just before the end of the world.
No! It is you and other disciples of Ms. White who apparently are unhappy with what God has revealed to man through His Word.Are you thinking that maybe God should do His job differently???
Whoah! Hold on thar!!
Your fellow Baptists have been attacking the "Baptist Confession of Faith" and C.H Spurgeon like they had red hair. Where do you stand on that?? Are you ALSO going to declare yourself at war with the 7 points in the OP??
Because these guys are almost tireless in their war against the first 6 points from the Bible as affirmed by Moody, Spurgeon and the "Baptist Confession of Faith".
Time to stand and be counted.Originally Posted by BobRyan![]()
Here is an example of claims made by the pro-Sunday sources - and 6 of the 7 are actually correct according to the Bible!.
Yes that is right - 6 of the 7 are actually common ground between Sabbath keeping and Sunday keeping Christians.
1. That the Sabbath Commandment is first given to mankind in Gen 2:1-3
2. That all mankind was obligated by the TEN commandments in the OT and to this very day.
3. That the seventh day as the Sabbath was Saturday the seventh day of the week from Gen 2:1-3 until NT times - including at the cross.
4. That the Ten Commandments are the moral Law of God
5. That the moral law of God is written on the heart under the New Covenant
6. that the Ten Commandments as the moral law of God are in no way opposed to grace and the Gospel.
7. That the Sabbath commandment can rightly be BENT by man-made-tradition to point to week-day-1 after the cross.
I agree with 6 out of 7 as listed above - and yet many who post against God's TEN commandments object to all of the points listed above. And sometimes they will even go on to complain that so many of the points above are in agreement with my position and opposed to the war-against-the-Ten-Commandments position.
You have carefully avoided attacking the first six points above that come from the Bible - are you timid about agreeing with the Bible on those points??
Interesting to know where your dates come from.
Would be interesting to know if you stand for the "Baptist Confession of Faith" points on section 19 of that document or are at war with them like a couple of other Baptists on this thread.
Hint - Wako is "Branch Davidian".
in Christ,
When you address my two previous posts I will respond to the above!
Hint - "Branch Davidian" came out of the SDA!
the text says
and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.
you say;
you say:
Peter quotes Joel;
16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:
it is now all flesh...right now
So our buddy Bob denies what SDA's actually believe