How sad that very few on this board, and anywhere else, can differentiate between the eternality of the salvation which was authored by Christ alone, and which respects no man's religion, theology, creed, or lack of these things, and a redemption based upon the will of God and of the richness of His mercy, and a salvation from dead works, false doctrines, and such like which is a result of the elect child of God's being born in a time world corrupted by Adam's sin.
The salvation of the elect child of God, born a sinner, and unregenerate by virtue of his being of the flesh of Adam, was undertaken by the Messiah without respect for the sinner's timely theology, creed, religion, catechism, statement of faith and confessions, or lack of all these.
This salvation was decreed in eternity past, and all who are beneficiaries of it were put IN CHRIST, accepted by God IN THE BELOVED, prior to and independent of ANYTHING except God's will for that individual, and His grace and mercy.
This is why Christ is the Messiah awaited by the true Israel, Zion if you will, for in His due time He will gather all under the Father, and this He did at Calvary, when He shed His blood, which covered and atoned for all the sins of all His people regardless of where they were in the chronology of salvation.
The deliverance from false doctrines of the child of God has no bearing at all to his eternal standing before God, because His eternal standing was secured by and secured in Christ ALONE, and not by his knowledge and adherence to Biblically sound doctrine.
Who may be bold enough to say that when Christ redeemed His people, He put preconditions on His redemption of them based on their religion ? Where in Scripture does it say that Christ redeemed anyone on the basis of their adherence to certain doctrines ?
These doctrines come AFTER redemption and after regeneration, and is designed to make the redeemed child of God aware of the errors of his ways that he may be able to repent and turn to the One who already redeemed him, that doing so He may be honored in the midst of His people in this time world, yet not all His people will be afforded the blessedness of knowing Him totally in this time world for not all His people can be reached and taught by those whom He calls into the ministry for the edifying and maturing of His saints whom He called into a church.