That's in my set of questionsLet's start with this question: In the OT, where did the souls of the dead go when they died?
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That's in my set of questionsLet's start with this question: In the OT, where did the souls of the dead go when they died?
Matt 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
I disagree that Abraham's Bosom was a different place than Heaven...and to answer the OP, if Paradise is a place where Christ is present, there is no separation from God. Paradise / Heaven are one in the same.
The word "paradise" is probably of Persian origin. It occurs but three times in the Old Testament, namely, in Cant. iv. 13, Eccl. ii. 5, and Neh. ii. 8. In the first of these passages it means "garden"; in the second and third, "park." In the apocalypses and in the Talmud the word is used of the Garden of Eden and its heavenly prototype (comp. references in Weber's "Jüdische Theologie," 2d ed., 1897, pp. 344 et seq.). From this usage it came to denote, as in the New Testament, the abode of the blessed (comp. Luke xxiii. 43; II Cor. xii. 4; Rev. ii. 7).
No problemSome questions for the "Abraham's Bosom" crowd...
Where did Elijah go in the whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1, 2:11)?
Since this is a prophetic statement, they 'will be' in the Kingdom of God 'after' Christ's death and resurrection.Where were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at before Christ went to the cross (Matthew 8:11)?
Paul's vision was 'after' Christ's ascension not before.Where did Paul tell us paradise is in 2 Corinithians 12:2-4? Is this place "up" or down? In fact, is paradise in the previous verses in reference to paradise ever mentioned as being "up" or down?
I will deal this one later tonight. Time from me to eat.Where does it tell us that the spirit goes in Ecclesiastes 12:7 (prior to the cross) after death?
This again is 'after' Christ's ascension.Finish this phrase "to be absent from the body is to be _________________" (2 Corinthians 5:6-9
Correct, you stated He went somewhere called Paradise which is not Heaven. I disagreed (and I'm not lost, btw)
That's one long sentence!I agree He never went to Hell, but the burden of proof is on you that Abraham's Bosom was a place separate from Heaven that needed "opening". I also disagree He literally "preached" to anyone, rather that is a figure of speech pertaining to His victory over sin.
To be honest, you presented their view of that Scripture which is nothing more than different than mine.
Agreed :thumbs:
Again, the burden of proof is on you to show that "Abraham's Bosom" was a place separate from Heaven.
8Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you."
39He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now one[e] greater than Jonah is here. 42The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here.
43"When an evil[f] spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation."
This is Matthew 12:40 in context. Nothing here even alludes to the fact Christ went to an "Abraham's Bosom", in fact such a notion contradicts other OT Scripture like Ecclesiastes 12:7. His analogy was in Jonah being under the surface physically as His body would be "under the surface" physically. The righteous' spirit returns to God upon death. Abraham's Bosom really is no different than Purgatory in reasoning, which is not biblical IMO.
Some questions for the "Abraham's Bosom" crowd...
Where did Elijah go in the whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1, 2:11)?
Where were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at before Christ went to the cross (Matthew 8:11)?
Where did Paul tell us paradise is in 2 Corinithians 12:2-4? Is this place "up" or down? In fact, is paradise in the previous verses in reference to paradise ever mentioned as being "up" or down?
Where does it tell us that the spirit goes in Ecclesiastes 12:7 (prior to the cross) after death?
Finish this phrase "to be absent from the body is to be _________________" (2 Corinthians 5:6-9
... There you go building straw men ad ignoring every word I posted in the OP. Nobody wants to argue with you, to do so is a exercise in vainty when all that is needed is for you to read the OP and to think about what it says and not add to it what is not there. Your examples and proof texts are examples fr after the cross. my OP deals with the Saints that died before Jesus. You're using oranges to belittle apples, it wo't work.
Luk 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
Ok, back to your final question.Where does it tell us that the spirit goes in Ecclesiastes 12:7 (prior to the cross) after death?
... You can demonstrate your twinkle toes until the cows come home but God will not shrug and pass your false teaching off as cute. Pleasedo not claim not to be teaching, yu posted the message and Satan did not make you do it Mr. Wilson.
... I never judged you as a lost man, that is not area, it belongs to God. I compared your publishing style with that of the lost man and still you shoot from the hip, build straw men ad avoid the scriptures like the plague. As for the scriptures being the opinions of men, all I can say is that you need t fall back five yards and punt. (2Tim. 3:16) All scripture is breathed by God.
... Now, about discerning the state of a man's salvation. As a Christian I know, from studying the scriptures, these past 18+ years that a man's spiritual condition is made known by the fruit he or she bears. Sir, your fruit stinks! My best assessment of your spiritual condition from this short encounter does not lead me to believe that I be seated at the wedding table with you, short of repentance on your part.
When Jesus was on the cross, He said "Into your hands I commend my spirit" and He died. Where did His spirit go?
Let's start with this question: In the OT, where did the souls of the dead go when they died?
I will not be discussing anything with you until you repent of your self righteous attitude that gives you the right to question my salvation.webdog,
... You can demonstrate your twinkle toes until the cows come home but God will not shrug and pass your false teaching off as cute. Pleasedo not claim not to be teaching, yu posted the message and Satan did not make you do it Mr. Wilson.
... I never judged you as a lost man, that is not area, it belongs to God. I compared your publishing style with that of the lost man and still you shoot from the hip, build straw men ad avoid the scriptures like the plague. As for the scriptures being the opinions of men, all I can say is that you need t fall back five yards and punt. (2Tim. 3:16) All scripture is breathed by God.
... Now, about discerning the state of a man's salvation. As a Christian I know, from studying the scriptures, these past 18+ years that a man's spiritual condition is made known by the fruit he or she bears. Sir, your fruit stinks! My best assessment of your spiritual condition from this short encounter does not lead me to believe that I be seated at the wedding table with you, short of repentance on your part.
I don't believe the context is the second heaven when we look at why Elijah was taken up in the first place. What would the purpose be in God removing him from Earth to take him into a holding place? It doesn't make any sense. Same with Enoch.The 'into heaven' for Elijah does not refer necessarily to God's abode known as the third heaven though it 'could' but in the Hebrew there were 3 heavens. One was the sky, one is where the stars are, and the 'third heaven' is the abode of God. Here however I believe it refers to the sky as it is a whirlwind/firy chariot that picks him 'up' and into heaven. If you watch a tornado pick something up and take it into the sky, we would say 'sky' but the Hebrew word is 'heaven'. Since we both understand that context determines how a word is used, and the context here refers to Elishah watching what is happening and describing it in the manner of a 'whirlwind/chariot' going up, the context here is dealing with the sky during the daylight hours. So if Elijah was picked up and leaving our atmosphere he would slowly vanish from sight.
...however, Christ was the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world. The timing is irrelevant. I think you are looking at it from the standpoint that Heaven is in the realm of time, which I do not believe it is.Now here is the problem with them or any OT saints being in third heaven before Christ's death and resurrection. Sin can not enter heaven without immediately being judged. Hebrews in the NT says that the OT sacrifices 'did not take away sin' but only covered it. It is the same as saying a person is covered with sewage but put over it a long clean white robe. It doesn't take away the stench or uncleaness of it only covers it for a time. The other problem here is that the coat is now defiled as well since unclean thing contaminate clean things but never does the clean affect the unclean in the same manner. Therefore though their sins were covered they were not removed and thus they can not and could not enter heaven without having their sins 'removed'. Which is what Christ sacrifice did, it removed the sin completely.
I think that Christ was stressing that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were already there and the prophecy the many will join them there.Since this is a prophetic statement, they 'will be' in the Kingdom of God 'after' Christ's death and resurrection.
Correct, however here we have a clear passage equating paradise with Heaven. There is no such passage equating paradise with another place besides Heaven.Paul's vision was 'after' Christ's ascension not before.
...yet he never stated that. For the righteous (all dispensations) to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.This again is 'after' Christ's ascension.