Let's put it this way:
I agree with Rod Rosenbladt's statement on the White Horse Inn: "Did Jesus have to die in order for what you're preaching to be true? If not, then you shouldn't be preaching it."
We're called to preach the word of God, not give life enhancement serminars.
If a church is preaching the word of God, then there's no need for the recent "better sex" fad because if we were preaching the word of God, then people would already have a sound Biblical understanding of the role sex plays in a marriage. Churches wouldn't have to hold financial seminars because they'd already have a Biblical understanding of finance.
There are too many churches that have stopped preaching God's word today and have become more interested in becoming just another life enhancement program, like Tony Robbins, only with a couple of Bible verses thrown in.
When I first started preaching, the best advice I ever got was "Just keep it close to the cross, boy". What does a "seven day sex challenge" have to do with the cross?
Did Jesus really die so that we could preach about having "your best sex life now"?