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Are Tea Partiers Racist?


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BTW.... I'm Still Waiting for your Answer!

I hope you, I and everyone does not conduct our lives by the OT, but by Christ's examples and teachings.... Remember God so loved the world ... the world ... that means everyone and thus there is no room fro calling any hateful names.

.... you never responded to my comments on your litmus test (#3) for calling other groups of people "cockroaches" which is an insect! I am not aware of anything in my soul that is "crying out for the extermination , or, genocide of all, or, even one illegal alien. I JUST WANT THEM DEPORTED.

Your accusations are based upon a theory, and your attempt to make me out as the bad guy for wanting the government to do what their own laws require them to do, is beyond ridiculous, and it makes you look even more absurd, preposterous, and even laughable, if it wasn't so sad to see you sink so low on this finger-pointing episode!

Since the Lord called people foxes and vipers, and the OT used words like "locusts" to refer to groups of people commonly known as being enemies of Israel, does that not qualify them them to be racist according to #3 ???

When will you answer, and not avoid me, or, answer with useless, wasted "spin"? If I am a racist for using such "jargon" than what does that make the Joshua, the prophet Jeremiah, and our Lord, Jesus Himself???


Pastor Paul :type:
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Active Member
But, what do you think was "over the top?"

in regard to the rope thing, you're about 4 inches short of having a rope long enough to hang anyone, let alone yourself.

HOWEVER, You still fit the profile of a hate-mongering, religious bigot, "mpbigot", so move on, I'm no longer buying what you sell!

Oh, I'd advise that you keep you "rabbit trails" short, mpbigot, as your electrons are stinking up the forum.

P.S. I wrote this in lettering that fits the size of the love coming from your heart for your fellow Christians - if you can read this, mpbigot, than it proves my belief about you being a very little, angry man

I'm not fond of re-posting insults...but the above is simply uncalled for.


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Two Wrongs Don't Make it Right...

I'm not fond of re-posting insults...but the above is simply uncalled for.

... I know this, all too well! And I thank you for pointing out to me what you think was over the top.

I'm truly sorry, because I did not mean to offend you, rbell. And I will not resort to this kind of posting again. It was a "knee-jerk-reaction" and if you look at my most recent post to mp, I am trying to exhibit more qualities of what the Lord would want me to do, which is to pray for him, and use the Bible to point out his sin.

Again, thanks for pointing out the sin in my post. I only hope I can regroup, and not fall to the same level of comments that mp is given to!

HOWEVER, in the future, if you see mp taking sucker-punches at my character, or, opinions, as he is prone to do, I'd appreciate the same kind of messaging on your behalf to mp. Not to do this would make you unfair and one-sided, which would border on being hypocritical, and I don't see you being that way.

Again, thanks for the "slap-in-the-face" post. You were right, and had every right to call me on that. Please forgive my anger, which at times gets the better part of me.

Humbly Yours,

Pastor Paul :praying:


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Are tea partiers racist? On the whole I'd say no.

Quick lesson in political propaganda MP looks like you could use one about now.

The "race card" is meant to do three things. Silence and demonize opposition and to balkanize the citizenry. If you're not familiar with this concept let me splain.

The idea is to create division, doubt and even fear amongst a population in order to control opposition to those who rule.

Opposition is a threat to their rule. Especially if that threat is in the form of a fast growing grass roots movement like what some call the tea party.

So who rules the USA? The people? The politicians? Hardly. Bankers and mega conglomerated corporations do who just happen to also controll all the major television networks.

Having the people believe in a idea like limited constitutional government and sound money is about the biggest threat there is to their hold on power. So they seek to create division among those who share this idea.

How do they create division? Tossing out the "race card" is one way. the people who do this are the racists MP not the tea partiers who they accuse but they themselves. Why? Because they are constantly reminding us of our differences in order to keep us all into seperate bickering groups.

If we're all fighting amongst ourselves how are we suppose to get together to fight "city hall" and win?

The answer, we can't. And that's the whole idea.

Honestly? I was born and raised in the South and then moved up North for about twenty-five years. I've been told so often that I must hate black people because I'm from the South that I'm pretty much immune to charges of racism.

I finally just started to laugh at it when liberals started to tell me that I must be racist because I favor limited government, spending cuts, and state sovereignty.

They can call me a racist all day long if they want to. It means nothing to me anymore. While they're calling me a racist, I'll be joining with my black, Hispanic, and Japanese friends to defeat them and save our Republic.


Well-Known Member
Honestly? I was born and raised in the South and then moved up North for about twenty-five years. I've been told so often that I must hate black people because I'm from the South that I'm pretty much immune to charges of racism.

I finally just started to laugh at it when liberals started to tell me that I must be racist because I favor limited government, spending cuts, and state sovereignty.

They can call me a racist all day long if they want to. It means nothing to me anymore. While they're calling me a racist, I'll be joining with my black, Hispanic, and Japanese friends to defeat them and save our Republic.

And how are you going to do that? Defeat them and save our republic I mean.

Are you and all your firends going to secede?

At this point in time that's about the only way we're ever going to defeat them.


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That May Be True...

And how are you going to do that? Defeat them and save our republic I mean.

Are you and all your firends going to secede?

At this point in time that's about the only way we're ever going to defeat them.

... as sad as this is, and as hard as this is to say, YOU may be right.

Let's hope not, because it would be our worst nightmare!

Eric B

Active Member
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I'm not fond of re-posting insults...but the above is simply uncalled for.
I think the "seed soen on bad ground" reference is over the top as well.
I have not seen all of MP's posts, but still, that kind of judgment is not for us to make.


Well-Known Member
... as sad as this is, and as hard as this is to say, YOU may be right.

Let's hope not, because it would be our worst nightmare!

Maybe but history shows more totalitarian authority is the only other alternative.

It all boils down to which you prefer.
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Magnetic Poles

New Member
... I know this, all too well! And I thank you for pointing out to me what you think was over the top.

I'm truly sorry, because I did not mean to offend you, rbell. And I will not resort to this kind of posting again. It was a "knee-jerk-reaction" and if you look at my most recent post to mp, I am trying to exhibit more qualities of what the Lord would want me to do, which is to pray for him, and use the Bible to point out his sin.

Again, thanks for pointing out the sin in my post. I only hope I can regroup, and not fall to the same level of comments that mp is given to!

HOWEVER, in the future, if you see mp taking sucker-punches at my character, or, opinions, as he is prone to do, I'd appreciate the same kind of messaging on your behalf to mp. Not to do this would make you unfair and one-sided, which would border on being hypocritical, and I don't see you being that way.

Again, thanks for the "slap-in-the-face" post. You were right, and had every right to call me on that. Please forgive my anger, which at times gets the better part of me.

Humbly Yours,

Pastor Paul :praying:
Not only are you one of the nastiest posters here, you are about the most passive aggressive person I have ever come across, as evidenced by this post. You tell me to go to hell, you continually post insults disguised as "prayers". You refer to other human beings as cockroaches, then try to twist scripture to justify your hatred. Seriously dude, get yourself some help. I truly question your stability.


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I Never Said I was Without Sin...

...you (are)one of the nastiest posters here, you are about the most passive aggressive person I have ever come across, as evidenced by this post. You tell me to go to hell, you continually post insults disguised as "prayers". You refer to other human beings as cockroaches, then try to twist scripture to justify your hatred. Seriously dude, get yourself some help. I truly question your stability.

I am not without sin, especially when it comes to you and the many times you have pushed me into anger. And it should not be forgotten that I have APOLOGIZED to you for things I have said in anger, BUT, you have never apologized for PROVOKING me and making me angry.

THEREFORE: You need to look into your heart, and honestly ask why you have taken on an all out war to discredit me, provoke me to anger, and be a stumbling block for me. If you believe that I'm unstable and need to get help, THAN why are you constantly PROVOKING me to anger??? That is not what Jesus would do, and if the seed sown in your heart truly fell on fertile ground, it is not something that you would be doing either!

I fear that if you don't repent and change (in regard to your hateful ways) it will become evident that the seeds sown in your heart may not have been seeds sown in the rich, fertile soil.

Matthew 13:3-9 - "Behold, the sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some seeds fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate them up. Others fell on the rocky places, where they did not have much soil; and immediately they sprang up, because they had no depth of soil. But when the sun had risen, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. Others fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out.... he who has ears, let him hear."

What would be best for the BB is for you to stay on topic and simply post comments that attack my stated opinion... and cease and desist with attacking me personally.

Therefore, without sounding redundant..... I'm not upset with you, mp, just grieving for you. Paul tells us in Galatians 5:25-26 - "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other."

Earlier in the same chapter Paul tells us that, "the acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions , and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."

My spirit is NOW more clear than it has ever been in regard to dealing with the likes of you. Any anger I may have had toward you is in the past. Scripture has shown me just how wrong I was, and how badly you must need my prayer, not my angry retaliation for your mocking, bullying, and provoking me. Rest assured that in the future, I'll be praying for you, not attacking you in any way, manner, or, form....

Now, back to the Word... Paul tells us that, "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

I know my weaknesses mp - you have obviously tried point them out to me and the entire board every Chance you get. Therefore, in the name of fairness, it is my turn to point out your sins, but, I'm doing it in conjunction with the Word of God. Your opinions of me have not been backed up by the Word; just your personal observations built on mocking accusations with the intent to provoke me, embarrass me, hurt me, and push buttons in order to elicit angry responses (for which I have apologized, and will once again say "I'm sorry!").

MP, you really need to look into the mirror of self examination and see what is causing you to exhibit such a rancid, relentless public hate for me. In my opinion, you are lacking some of the necessary fruits of the Spirit - noted in the above Scripture passage in BOLD print.

The Word of God directs me to pray for those who mock me, hate me, and scorn me!

For this reason I sincerely pray for your soul and for your total repentance and change of heart in how you speak to me on this board. It's OK to disagree with me, but, you are not "playing nice."

Oh, in case you may think I'm questioning your salvation, I'm only trying to understand how a person who says they are a believer can be so provoking and hateful to another believer.

And you need to know that I completely believe in "once saved, always saved..." BUT, I also believe "once saved-always saved" only applies to those who's seed was sown in fertile soil! Time has a way of separating the wheat from the tares!

Your Cyber-Brother,

Pastor Paul
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Magnetic Poles

New Member
More of your passive-aggressive nonsense. "I'm not, but".

RD2, the sooner you grow up and realize that anger comes from within, will you stop blaming others for your behavior. You cannot control another, only your reaction to others. Take responsibility. Your constant whining, attacks, and then hiding behind twisted scripture is getting old.

Have you ever considered that if an Internet forum gets you this angry that maybe you need a break from it?
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.... you never responded to my comments on your litmus test (#3) for calling other groups of people "cockroaches" which is an insect! I am not aware of anything in my soul that is "crying out for the extermination , or, genocide of all, or, even one illegal alien. I JUST WANT THEM DEPORTED.

# Matthew 25:35
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,
Matthew 25:34-36 (in Context) Matthew 25 (Whole Chapter)

Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

And what about Christ's parable of the Good Samaritan?

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.

Your accusations are based upon a theory, and your attempt to make me out as the bad guy for wanting the government to do what their own laws require them to do, is beyond ridiculous, and it makes you look even more absurd, preposterous, and even laughable, if it wasn't so sad to see you sink so low on this finger-pointing episode!

I cannot make you look bad. Only you can with your words showing hatred toward others.

Since the Lord called people foxes and vipers, and the OT used words like "locusts" to refer to groups of people commonly known as being enemies of Israel, does that not qualify them them to be racist according to #3 ???

Are you the Lord?
And in the OT the context is they were numerous like locust ... that is not calling them insects. Big difference. To call another an insect is to dehumanize them, and that is a sin.

When will you answer, and not avoid me, or, answer with useless, wasted "spin"? If I am a racist for using such "jargon" than what does that make the Joshua, the prophet Jeremiah, and our Lord, Jesus Himself??

Twisting scripture to justify sin. Interesting. Christ did not use jargon. To use jargon and then to try to justify it through Christ is sad.

Shalom, have a most blessed day.
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Solidly Behind You In Prayer, Brother

More of your passive-aggressive nonsense. "I'm not, but".
RD2, the sooner you grow up and realize that anger comes from within, will you stop blaming others for your behavior. You cannot control another, only your reaction to others. Take responsibility. Your constant whining, attacks, and then hiding behind twisted scripture is getting old.
Have you ever considered that if an Internet forum gets you this angry that maybe you need a break from it?

AGAIN... I am not without sin, especially when it comes to you and the many times you have provoked me into anger. And, it should not be forgotten that I have APOLOGIZED to you for the times you provoked me to say things out of anger. I just wonder why you have never apologized for PROVOKING, and making me angry. It is LONG overdue.

THEREFORE: It is time for you to look into your heart, and honestly ask yourself why you have taken on an all out war to discredit me, provoke me to anger, and be a spiritual stumbling block for me. If you believe that I'm unstable (as you've stated numerous time now) and need to get help, THAN why are you constantly PROVOKING me to anger??? That is not what Jesus would do, and if the seed sown in your heart truly fell on fertile ground, it is not something that you would be doing either!

I really fear that if you don't repent and change (in regard to your hateful ways) it will become evident that the seeds sown in your heart may turn out NOT to be the kind of seeds sown in rich, fertile soil.

Matthew 13:3-9 - "Behold, the sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some seeds fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate them up. Others fell on the rocky places, where they did not have much soil; and immediately they sprang up, because they had no depth of soil. But when the sun had risen, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. Others fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out.... he who has ears, let him hear."

What would be best for the BB. is for you to stay on topic, and simply post comments that attack my stated opinion... and "cease and desist" attacking me personally.

Therefore, without sounding redundant..... NO, I'm not upset with you, MP, I'm just grieving for you. Paul tells us in Galatians 5:25-26 - "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other."

Earlier in the same chapter Paul tells us that, "the acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions , and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."

My spirit is NOW clearer than it has ever been in regard to dealing with the likes of you. Any anger I may have had toward you is in the past. Scripture has shown me just how wrong I was to retaliate - in the same manner that you attack me - and how badly you must need my prayer! I was wrong for getting angry and unleashing verbal retaliation for your mocking, bullying, and provoking me. Rest assured that in the future, I'll be praying for you, not attacking you in any way, manner, or, form....

Now, back to the Word... Paul tells us that, "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

I know my weaknesses - mp - you have obviously tried point them out to me, and the entire board, every chance you get. Therefore, in the name of fairness, it is now my turn to point out your sins, but, I'm doing it in conjunction with the Word of God. Your opinions of me have never been backed up by the Word; just innuendoes from your personal observations built on mocking accusations with the intent to provoke me, embarrass me, hurt me, and push buttons in order to elicit angry responses (for which I have apologized, but, refuse to do so any longer).

MP, you really need to look into the mirror of self examination and see what is causing you to exhibit such a rancid, relentless public hate for me. In my opinion, you are lacking some of the necessary fruits of the Spirit - noted in the above Scripture passage in BOLD print, but, that remains MHO.

STILL, the Word of God demands that I pray for those who mock me, hate me, and scorn me! So, I apologize to God for reacting to your provocations with anger, and in a true act of repentance, I will now go in a new direction when it comes to responding to people such as you.

For this reason, I will sincerely be praying for your soul and for your total humility to repent and change your heart. I've never been upset with you for disagreeing with me, but, you have refused to "play nice."

Oh, in case you may think I'm questioning your salvation, it is quite the opposite, I'm trying hard not to judge or question your standing with God. It's just that I'm finding it hard to understand how a person who says they're a believer can be so nasty, provoking and hateful to another believer.

Finally, you need to know that while I completely believe in "once saved, always saved..."; I also believe that those who are truly saved "once and for always", only applies to those who were like fertile ground when the seed was sown in their heart! Time has a way of separating the wheat from the tares!

Your Cyber-Brother,:praying:

Pastor Paul


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Thank You for Your Response

# Matthew 25:35
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,
Matthew 25:34-36 (in Context) Matthew 25 (Whole Chapter)

Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

And what about Christ's parable of the Good Samaritan?

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.

I cannot make you look bad. Only you can with your words showing hatred toward others.

Are you the Lord?
And in the OT the context is they were numerous like locust ... that is not calling them insects. Big difference. To call another an insect is to dehumanize them, and that is a sin.

Twisting scripture to justify sin. Interesting. Christ did not use jargon. To use jargon and then to try to justify it through Christ is sad.

Shalom, have a most blessed day.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my request.

While you have presented some good points, your understanding of theology is lacking, especially in the areas I presented to counter your points. And for your information, I am not into twisting Scripture. That would be putting a spin on the Word of God. You say tomatoe, I say tomatow! Let's leave it there!:BangHead:

However, I respect you as a brother in Christ, and respect your opinions, even if I don't agree with them, but, I truly appreciate the time you took to "spin" the debate in your direction. It shows me how creative you are, and that does impress me.

In my eyes, we are at a Mexican-stand-off; a Dodge City draw; an honest-to-goodness stalemate. So, I purpose we leave this lay where it is. Respecting one another for their views. You can't be wrong, if you believe you're right; and, likewise, I can't be wrong, if I believe you are wrong!!! DRAW

You will get no more challenges from me on this issue, nor, will you get any further responses, because I believe I'm right, and you believe your right, and I've found that in these cases, no one wins.

Great discussing the issues with you, and I truly respect your view. I always learn something about the other side, when a person thinks passionately enough to provide their views.

It's just that you are leaning one way, and I'm leaning another way.

Shalom, and may you to, have a blessed Sunday in the Lord!

Pastor Paul :type:


Active Member
This article pretty much puts the kabosh on the "racist tea party" silliness...


The fact that the Left believes that the preponderance of whites among tea partiers invalidates the tea party movement tells us much more about the Left than it does about the tea partiers.

It confirms that the Left really does see the world through the prism of race, gender and class rather than through the moral prism of right and wrong.

Second, they might even, Heaven forbid, conclude that it does not reflect well on the political outlook of blacks and Hispanics that they so overwhelmingly identify with ever-larger government. Leftist big-government policies have been disastrous for black America just as they were in the countries that most Hispanics emigrated from. But like the gambling addict who keeps gambling the more he loses, those addicted to government entitlements keep increasing the size of the government even as their situation worsens.

Ouch. That'll leave a mark.


Well-Known Member
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Good Post...

This article pretty much puts the kabosh on the "racist tea party" silliness...


Ouch. That'll leave a mark.

That was a good post... if it's okay with you, I have a few friends from the left that I'd like to send this to. Let me know if it's acceptable with you to copy it.

Pastor Paul


Active Member
RD2, I've had run ins with MP. In fact I've been called a racist amongst other things by him. (Not to mention that I've shared my disdain of his views and ways also on this site.) Anyway, I've been called worse and don't really care what MP thinks of me anymore than he cares what I think. MP has a right to his views and a right to express them. Most importantly, I don't take his comments or any others on this site personally. When I log off the BB there's a lot more to concern myself with than what someone said or didn't say on the Baptist Board.


Active Member
That was a good post... if it's okay with you, I have a few friends from the left that I'd like to send this to. Let me know if it's acceptable with you to copy it.

Pastor Paul

Sure...it's not mine.

As with any item that is someone else's property...you should credit the source.


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I Agree...

RD2, I've had run ins with MP. In fact I've been called a racist amongst other things by him. (Not to mention that I've shared my disdain of his views and ways also on this site.) Anyway, I've been called worse and don't really care what MP thinks of me anymore than he cares what I think. MP has a right to his views and a right to express them. Most importantly, I don't take his comments or any others on this site personally. When I log off the BB there's a lot more to concern myself with than what someone said or didn't say on the Baptist Board.

... I am so sorry to hear that you are one of his victims. No one, on a Christian Board/forum, deserves to be disrespected for making their views known.

HOWEVER, his views should not include senseless, off-topic comments meant to belittle, discredit, and provoke the writer of the post to the point of anger for which he is commenting on.

It is his right to post his views, BUT, not his right to take license against the character of the person with whom he is disagreeing.

As I said earlier, and often: Attack the opinion, NOT THE PERSON.

He is guilty of provoking anger, and purposely hurting others through expressing his off-topic views in order to make a point that is only meant to discredit the author of the post. He very seldom offers a comment that shows why his views are opposed to those of the PM. BUT, he most certainly makes attempts to belittle, insult, hurt, provoke, and cause others to judge the writer of the post, NOT their expressed opinion.

This is not Christ-like, and it is not the reason this board was started.

If I wanted to be insulted, I'd be on a secular board/forum. The reason I came to a Christian forum like the BB, was to express my heart, and have healthy, Christ-centered debates. Not mudslinging fights!

Sorry, there is no room for his kind of off-topic views on a Christian board. IMHO that is!!!


Pastor Paul :type:
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