Your denial is sad. Why do you place your trust in flawed men above God's word, utilyan? It's like observing someone who is caught in a cult and follows the cult of personality.
I'm not in denial, just show me the scripture. You should be JOYFUL and HAPPY to show exactly where the Bible claims to be the FINAL and only rule of FAITH.
Brother I love the scriptures. Everything it says is absolutely right.
Now show me where it says Scriptures is the only thing right.
Show me where it says it is the final and only rule of faith.
That is satanic addition, a tradition of man. You need to be strict with the word of God.
Your make believe law is not found in scripture.
You do not research enough.
I tried looking for the verse myself. I looked for something that says scripture is the final rule of faith. NOTHING, I came up empty.
Ill give you a hint. The absolute closest thing to coming to Sola Scriptura in the bible is in the book of Kings. But falls apart in same chapter.
Why do yo have to LIE about what the bible says? SHOW ME THE SCRIPTURE! You said it claims to be the sole rule of faith. Show it to us or you are a LIAR.