It's on my bookshelf.
Isn't there something in scripture about people being deceived? Just because so many people believe something doesn't make it right.
YOU are the one who jumped to a conclusion there...I was talking about the HISTORY of celibacy...and when it comes to child molesters...well...seems to me the RC has a good number, including one that was at the parish I used to belong to. So, that's not a "proof" of anything, that's more of a "I know you are but what am I" deal...lacking in any substance.
Regarding the Catechism of the Catholic Church...that's on my shelf too. Why can't you accept that there are those who have made a study of religion and theology and found the RCC lacking? My path out of the RCC was long, terrifying and accompanied by much study. See, I had been effectively brainwashed to believe that "outside the church there is no salvation"...that by leaving I was dooming my soul to hell. However, after much study, I found that particular statement to be utterly untrue...that salvation was not to be found by following the rules and regulations of the was to be found solely by belief in Jesus Christ and his atonement for my sins on the cross. It's not saying rosaries, it's not going to Mass, it's not the plenary indulgences, it's not having Masses said for the repose of my soul, it's not having people pray for me after my death to cut short my time in purgatory (which is not biblical at all)...
So...given that your responses seem angry and condescending, I will now leave this discussion because if you're attempting to sway me to return to the RCC, you've not succeeded. You've done nothing but further reinforce my decision, made 20 years ago, to leave.