Ya know, you sure say a lot but don't back it up very well...I might be a bit more impressed if you could provide references. And, as I said, i was born, raised and educated in the RC tradition. I left the RCC in 1997...after realizing many things that I had previously believed were false.I know many who left the RCC once they read the bible for themselves. So...start providing references to go along with your assertions and I MIGHT take you seriously. Otherwise, I will pray that the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to the false religion you follow where you are taught that you are never, ever good enough for the Lord...that you have to work your way to heaven through man-made rituals, seeking prayer for your departed soul to exit purgatory (which is also not biblical, as the Word says that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord), and realize that salvation is easier than what you have been taught...works-based salvation is not biblical.
No, you are the one who is following the false teachings on mere men, not me. My church has been there from the very beginning. You were poorly taught about the Christian faith, as many were, but there is no other place where I would rather worship God than in His Holy Universal (Catholic) Church. Like I have said before, your type of church has replaced the altar with the pulpit which does not follow Jesus's command to do the memoriam of His death and resurrection.