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The 1260 days/42 months/3 1/2 years is a common thread in Revelation, which coincides with Daniel's seventy sevens. It is beyond any reasonable doubt a reference to the Tribulation period. The only question is whether it is the first half or second. During teh first half, it is a time of relative peace. And then the Jews flee in the second half.
As for God viewing all time simultaneously, that doens't really help even if it is true because events happen in time by God's one eternal decree. The time argument is way overdone. It has no real merit in the conversation.
It still doesn't make sense. Because then it would be Judaism in Israel under attack by the Dragon and not Christians and Christians would only be an after thought in God's plan of salvation since we are then in an intermediate time in the very last week of Daniels prophesy which throws the rest of Daniel's motiff off. In fact, you don't get to the Christians until the very end of the Chapter almost as an after thought again if you go with that premise. Then that would mean that the Jews were God's primary means of Salvation rather than Christianity. (which I disagree with)
Which would make more sence if it was speaking about Jesus, and Mary and the vast slaughter of Christians under Caligula and Nero and other Roman Emperors and Govenors. I stuggle with Darbyism and the whole pre trib rapture thing.17Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring—those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.