From my understanding of infused righteousness is the term we are specifically is "made". As in "made righteous" rather than a legal term and just "declaired righteous". Either way Catholics claim that it is still Christ who is "making" them righteous through out their lives. We would say that we are being perfected in Christ as our lives continue. Whats the difference?
There is a huge difference.
First of all, we are not "being our lives continue". The book of Hebrews tells us that Christ has perfected forever those whom He has sanctified.
Second, you've got to remember that Christians believe that we are made righteous in Christ through repentence and faith in Christ and His atonement on the cross.
Catholics believe that they're made righteous in Christ through membership in their church and adherence to it's salvific rituals. Hence, grace earned by works.
The third difference is that, while Hebrews tells us that we're perfected forever, the Catholic heresy of infused righteousness teaches that they are righteous only until they commit another sin, in which case they must go to confession and partake in the Eucharist to be made righteous again.
While Catholics believe that God makes them righteous through their works, the Bible is very clear that no works can save us and that we are hopelessly unrighteous. Because of that, we must have the Christ's righteousness imputed to us. Hence, imputed vs. infused righteousness.
Think of infused righteousness as a kind of "righteousness varnish" God paints on Catholics. Each time they sin, the varnish wears away until they're once again unrighteous. They must work and participate in Catholic rituals to keep up their righteousness.
I'm not that knowledgable on purgatory but a family member indicated that it can be compared to each renewal of the covenants through out the history of the bible Ie... the firery brand that went through the split cow for Abraham, the firery bush, the pillar of fire, the tongues of fires on pentecost; where God's presence is present which in its very nature rids everything else that is not God. That was their explanation. I don't understand it but there you go.
I'm not really sure how your relative came up with those things, but God's presence does not rid everything else that is not God.
God is omnipresent, so obviously God's presence is a lot of places where Ungodly things are going on.
Several of the things you listed that your relative told you about have nothing to do with cleansing or covering of sin, but are simply ways that God chose to communicate with us.
Do me a favor, would you? I'm leaving to go out of town for the weekend. Would you please read Romans chapters 5-7 and tell me what you think of those and tell me if you can find the Catholic doctrine of infused righteousness in them so I can talk to you about that when I get back.