No one is "bluntly honest." They are deceptively evil in their nature from birth. They are selfish not wanting to share. They are self-centered. The world revolves around them. They are very selfish individuals. They have to learn how to tell the truth, how to behave properly. Those traits are not inbred, but evil is.That is not really accurate. I have 8 kids, how many have you? So, I think I know a little about children.
Children are bluntly honest in reality, they are loving, they are forgiving, they are trusting.
Jesus was referring to the faith of the children, not the children themselves. Children trust their parents in simple faith, as we should trust God in simple faith. Unsaved man has the ability to believe and sin. Small children have the ability to make decisions--wrong ones--due to their evil nature.Do children sin? Yes, they are not perfect, but they are not the evil monsters some here portray them as. Jesus picked up small children and said of such is the kingdom of heaven, hardly something he would say of wicked sinners.
That is nonsense.It is when a child grows and matures having knowledge of good and evil he becomes a sinner when he knowingly sins.
One does not become a sinner. That sounds the Oberlin theology that Charles Finney taught. We all are sinners; we don't become sinners. If that notion were true then it would be possible for a man to go through life without sin, wouldn't it. That seriously contradicts what John said:
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8)
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. (1 John 1:10)
--How long can a child go without sin (assuming they don't have a sin nature)? 8 years? 10 years? 15 years? 20 years? 30 years? 50 years?
How long from birth can a person go without sinning?
You are in denial of Romans 3:23 that "all have sinned," (even 3 year olds), and that declaring such people have no sin you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you.
[At least those that believe in that manner must come to such conclusions].
Adam and Eve were created not born. They were part of God's perfect creation, like Lucifer and all the angels. Lucifer and one third of all the angels fell (without flesh). The (like Adam) fell because they rebelled against God out of their own free will.Adam and Eve were flesh, they had fleshly desires as described in Gen 3:6. But they did not become sinners until they broke God's known commandment.
--They are born sinners. They sin because they have the nature to sin; the leopard has spots and not stripes. He is born that way. The Ethiopian has black skin and not white. He is born that way. We are all born sinners. That is what the Bible teaches (Jer.13:23).Children have fleshly desires as well, they also do not become sinners until they understand sin before God and willingly break a known commandment.