Can't be sure, but I sure hope God has mercy on that child and he goes to Heaven.
Lets talk about about someone else, say my sister who was Cerebral Palsy all her life & she could not mentally process the Gospel. Do you rely on Gods mercy too?
Or how about the guy on a desert island who has never come in contact with the he SOL or does he also get a pass? Im not trying to be a wise guy (sometimes I do though) but here I am dead serious. I had a long time to think about this & review scriptures having lost a child in its infancy & having a innocent sister who I loved deeply & she passed away.
These are matters of the soul we are rummaging through & I was never into this ..... I was a non believer. So when this death happened to my son, I cried out to a Orthodox Presbyterian Minister & a Reformed Minister only to be told there were two possible scenarios theologically. 1-The Child is in hell (& my wife/girlfriend at the time, put him there---we are evil sinful people ya know) or (2) Your statement.... well we cant know for certain but we hope that God would be merciful.
Ah sigh......Well thats not good enough ITL, not good enough at all. If your stance is, Gospel Regeneration ---prerequisite to the Grace of the Holy Spirit to provide salvation, Im not going to agree. The Lord provides, who He will, regeneration from His saving grace & the gospel is there to learn the way of the lord & how to be obedient, to instruct & to glorify. Thats my beliefs & its based on what I see in scripture. Furthermore, that interpretation is fair to those who are prohibited (through no fault of their own) access to a normal life which provides a chance to hear & recognize scripture.