It is immoral to be stealing from others. The litmus should not be just based on legal status.
So if you were an employer, would you refuse to have your employees fill out an I-9 (form to prove employment authorization in US)
I do not think employers should have to prove the citizenship of their employees. Again, I think this fits well into the limited government viewpoint that most conservatives say they hold.
This is a different situation, too. Why? One is charity work and this is not charity work. I am giving to you freely and loving you when I give my services as a doctor. This is a job so there have always been legal distinctions between the two.
As I states before - to save life or limb - no problem - but much of the "health care" is for routine medical services - and some could even be "first/self aid"
Let this be between the doctor and the patient. Either way, it is doctor/patient confidentiality.
and if it were your hospital using your funds or funds collected by you, from individuals who knew you were treating illegals - I would not have a problem.
Most hospitals are independently operated as non-profit organizations. I agree that government should not be in the charity business. However, I do not want them telling my doctor to violate their patience confidentiality either.
So if a woman came in with multiple bruises, and in your professional opinion, you know it was her husband beating her -(again) and she pleaded for you not to inform the police - you would abide by her request?
No, but that is a different situation. In one situation there is no harm going to be done to the patient or anyone else. Yet, in this situation there is a moral responsibility to protect the woman.
This sounds like the United States protecting me from a fiscal invasion
That was the exact argument used against the freeing of slaves in England. Many said it would bankrupt the UK (and it about did). Yet, the pro-abolitionists said that this does not matter. They felt the moral duty outweighed the finances. I agree. Granted, I think government should get out of the business of charity, but I do not think we should rate who gets cared for because of how much money they have. My solution is not for the rising of government health care, but the rising of charities to take over for government.