Then, if it is His will for all to be saved, why do some still go to hell? Do you believe a person's will is stronger than God's will?
He commands all men everywhere to repent. But if they refuse they go to hell. But if he wants them to repent but they refuse doesn't that prove that their will of stronger than His will?
Commands all to repent. All refuse. The Father than draws some, chosen by Him for the good please of His will, to the Son, and the Son will raise them up on the last day.
You seem to be saying that God does not have the right to save whom He chooses, and if He does not choose those whom you think He should choose that He is wrong and you are right. Might I remind you of Romans 9:21 "Or hasn’t the potter a right over the clay, from the same lump to make one part a vessel for honor, and another for dishonor?"
See the distinction? God, not you, not man (John 1:12-13), makes some to honor and others to dishonor.
Does God have the right to do so with His creation?