Thank you for the clarification.
Correction of your thoughts is not a clarification on my part.
It is individuals or the redeemed as a group
Yes. Two are inseparable. The error of your ---ology is that you seek to have man assembling himself into a group for God. What we see in scripture is that God chooses for Himself a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation and that group is obviously made up of God's chosen individuals.
God choose a place and time for you, if not you would not be here, undebatable.
he also did predestinate to beconformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
This is a red herring. No one is debating that God puts people in certain places and times. What we are debating is the meaning of Romans 8:29-30 in which you seem to think that God predestines things when the text clearly is stating He predestines people. It says, "Those whom He...;" it does not say "That which He...." There is a difference.
All you are predestined for is to have a body and be here and now
Nope. You can come to this conclusion only if you cut Romans 8:29-30 out of your Bible. The saved are chosen, predestined, called, justified, and glorified by God. The language is exceptionally personal. God is doing the action (which is in the Aorist tense in all five verbs, by the way) and He is doing these actions to people, not circumstances.
It might appear hamfisted but it is so obvious to me, that it is completely ridiculous.
Hamfisted might be a compliment at this point.
The entire physical experience is to save sinners, to the glory of God
That's debatable, but it isn't part of this debate.
The Archangel