Close the borders with Mexico and Canada? How?
Cancel ALL visas? And then watch the rest of the world do the same to the US? Hows that going to pan out for tourism and business?
Now THAT is irrational fear talking.
Is it?
Do you have a full proof method of being able to safely discern who is and who isn't going to commit acts of terrorism against the United States? Can your method guarantee that any one person coming over our border is completely harmless? Right now, we are at war with an evil. An evil that can disguise its true intentions until it is too late to stop them from acting out their evil on others!
I can see your side to this, C4K, but unless you have a full proof plan, I have to disagree with you! I have always lived by the mindset of its far much better to err on the side of caution than to err and cause harm to even one individual because I was afraid to make an error!