Multiple people tell you that men are the arbiters of their own salvation.
Multitudes tell us that there is no God.
Which is exactly what I think you guys are guilty of.
here, take the rest of the marbles.... I quit.
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Multiple people tell you that men are the arbiters of their own salvation.
Multitudes tell us that there is no God.
Which is exactly what I think you guys are guilty of.
Multitudes tell us that there is no God.
The fact is that generally speaking atheists lead more moral, more intelligent lives than most evangelicals.
Like those people you extoll for leading exemplary lives!
Yes. To our shame! Especially to the shame of people like you who defend and perpetuate the reproach of Christ by those who claim to bear his name.
Originally Posted by Luke2427
The fact is that generally speaking atheists lead more moral, more intelligent lives than most evangelicals.
It's not the gays' fault we are in decline.
It's not the atheists' fault we are falling apart as a nation.
It's not the liberals or Obama.
It's the church in America.
You can hate the messenger all you want- but nothing is going to change the facts I have presented.
I am not the one bringing reproach on the name of Jesus Christ. It is not me who is extolling the exemplary lives lives of atheists it is you!
You are a pathetic excuse for a man Luke, much less a Christian and supposedly a pastor.
No one has extolled the virtues of atheists, Old & Regular.
The fact is that generally speaking atheists lead more moral, more intelligent lives than most evangelicals.
Originally Posted by Luke2427
It's not the gays' fault we are in decline.
It's not the atheists' fault we are falling apart as a nation.
It's not the liberals or Obama.
It's the church in America.
You can hate the messenger all you want- but nothing is going to change the facts I have presented.
Don't make matters worse by lying Luke! You posted the following in the OP.
That is what is called extolling the virtues of atheists.
ex·tol [ik-stohl, -stol]
verb (used with object), ex·tolled, ex·tol·ling.
to praise highly; laud; eulogize:
Luke,you were extolling the virtues of atheists. There is no way getting around your words.Yep. And that is to our shame for the tenth time Old & Regular.
How many times do I have to spell it out for you?
To our shame.
Got it yet?
Now, go back and read my previous post... S L O W L Y ...
And maybe you will see the point.
Here's hoping against hope.
Luke,you were extolling the virtues of atheists. There is no way getting around your words.
And for you to blame the Church for the ills of American society is beyond the pale. So the Church for whom Christ died and for whom even the gates of Hell will not overcome --this Bride of Christ is responsible for America's sins?!
What are you trying to say? Do you mean you are castigating false believers, or what. Every single Evangelical and Fundamentalist is not a Christian --but true believers in their ranks are certainly The Church --not the church.The church- not The Church.
Luke,you were extolling the virtues of atheists. There is no way getting around your words.
And for you to blame the Church for the ills of American society is beyond the pale. So the Church for whom Christ died and for whom even the gates of Hell will not overcome --this Bride of Christ is responsible for America's sins?!
Actually it is anyone who questions anything he says! You are a pastor, how does anyone with his harsh judgmental attitude serve as a pastor?
I find it difficult to believe any congregation would tolerate it. I also find it hard to believe that any congregation would find it credible when he says things like the op. It is also possible that what gets said on the BB never sees the light of day at his church.
One thing we should remember is that posts on the BB in no way tells the entire story of our lives. I do not like they way he posts. However, unless he espouses some heresy I will assume he is a good pastor and he is fulfilling the calling God has on his life.
One of the things that gets lost in a forum like this is that this is not my congregation and I am not the shepherd of BB. Here I am a debater, not a pastor.
My church is not a debate forum. There, I am not a debater; I am a pastor.
Conflating the two environments and positions is part of the problem with the way some view me and other pastors here.
One of the things that gets lost in a forum like this is that this is not my congregation and I am not the shepherd of BB. Here I am a debater, not a pastor.
My church is not a debate forum. There, I am not a debater; I am a pastor.
Conflating the two environments and positions is part of the problem with the way some view me and other pastors here.
Many thanks! Luke must be held accountable for what he says! Why he says it is beyond me!
However, unless he espouses some heresy I will assume he is a good pastor and he is fulfilling the calling God has on his life.
RM on this occasion was being gracious and charitable --why criticize him for that? Don't 'assume' the worst in Luke.Were you not taught never to assume? You either know something or you don't know something. Assuming is where mistakes get made....sometimes dangerious [sic]& tragic mistakes. It is also my belief that how you do one thing is how you so everything.