What I am does not change the fact that you called that a Bible LEASSON when all you did was copy and paste a Scripture.
It is not obvious to all on this forum. Others have commented that I have a point.
Maybe you should learn to read more thoroughly.
Again, you don't read very well. To Convicted I just admitted error. I do it quite regularly because I don't PRETEND to be humble like you and then not actually BE humble. I actually TRY to be humble which means not putting ON that I am humble.
That may be a bit over your head- but you'd be too proud to admit it and not for education enough to DO anything about it.
What a predicament in which you find yourself!
Nope! Wrong again. At least you are consistent.
I JUST finished a post on this thread or the other one like it in which we are discussing this matter where I said to a guy who raised some objections to my view point that he raised some fine, thoughtful and reasonable points.
You see, "old regular," its not me. Its you. I know you can't see it. Pharisees never can. But it is you who is haughty and self-righteous. It's not me. It's you. And the fact that each one of your points here is the OPPOSITE of reality is PROOF that it is you and not me.
No. You are. You embrace and defend stupidity and divorce in the Body of Christ and you say that we ought not even work on it because we are just fine the way we are.
That is arrogance in the highest degree. You are a pompous, self-righteous, arrogant old man who is too old to learn and grow and too pompous to be taught anything.
This from someone whose very post is filled with vitriol and hateful banter.
Do you not SEE what a hypocrite you are?
No, I imagine you do not. Pharisees are only good at killing those who bring needful messages to them. They are not good at seeing the need they have of the messages.
I never said that. But that is EXACTLY what you are saying right here.
You are not like me- this arrogant man you are rebuking. That is what you are saying, right?
You are a genuine, humble old man and you think "Thank God I am not like this young punk!"
Yes. You are the Pharisee in the story.
"I thank God that I am not like Luke! I temper my speech with worthless words that will never make a difference and never challenge anyone to improve anything. I fool people into thinking I am a fine fellow when I actually am stuck in my ways and unwilling to grow in knowledge and hate people with all my heart who try to get me to grow. I thank GOD that I have no zeal for the Kingdom and that I just want the church to remain in its slumber until it perishes from our culture. I thank God that I am not useful, that I am not challenging anyone, that I am not willing to receive a black eye for confronting the damnable status quo that is modern fundamentalism. I thank God that I am not like Luke!"
You, sir, are the epitome of a Pharisee.
You have allot of respect for your elders I see.