You yourself say it's nothing but a man-made holiday...and bash me for celebrating a man-made holiday? Really? FYI...I don't celebrate Sol Ivicutus or the conquoring sun, nor do I attribute our Christmas lights, our Christmas tree or gift giving to any pagan god. We have the liberty to celebrate any man made holiday in any manner we so choose (birthdays, mother's day, father's day, thanksgiving, veterans day, etc.). Not participating is also your right...but please don't think you are more holy or righteous if those who don't hold to your convictions don't do things the way you do.
Sales ads and commercials are another marketing tool to get retailers in the black, I hope you have never bought anything on sale.
How am I different that Roman Catholics? I believe in salvation by grace through faith. How are you different from the Pharissee in Jesus' day besides the clothes you wear?