Mrs. Paul Young from the northern part of North Dakota is under conviction for turning to GPS when she got lost, rather than just praying. She's warning Baptists that prostrating oneself before an electronic device, petitioning it for guidance, is akin to what the ancients did in seeking help from Moloch, Baal, Ashtoreth, etc.:
Molech, Baal and other idols of ancient times have contemporary counterparts in Siri, OK Google, Alexa and Cortana
"Idols....their names in Bible times were Molech, Chemosh, Ashtoreth, Zeus, Hermes and Baal. Their function was to answer the baffling questions of their day. Today, our society calls them Siri, OK Google, Alexa and Cortana. Canaanites sacrificed their children to Molech. We allow our children to be consumed by Siri....Ashtoreth was the goddess of love and fertility. How many use OK Google to find pornography or infertility remedies?"
Sarah Young is a homeschooling mother.
Her husband pastors Dakota Baptist Church
Molech, Baal and other idols of ancient times have contemporary counterparts in Siri, OK Google, Alexa and Cortana
"Idols....their names in Bible times were Molech, Chemosh, Ashtoreth, Zeus, Hermes and Baal. Their function was to answer the baffling questions of their day. Today, our society calls them Siri, OK Google, Alexa and Cortana. Canaanites sacrificed their children to Molech. We allow our children to be consumed by Siri....Ashtoreth was the goddess of love and fertility. How many use OK Google to find pornography or infertility remedies?"
Sarah Young is a homeschooling mother.
Her husband pastors Dakota Baptist Church