And once again it is ignored
Okay, okay.
The only time that this issue is tossed back to the creation narrative is in 1 Tim., so I'm assuming that's what we're talking about.
A single mention of this hardly suggests Paul is making a once-for-all, normative connection between female leadership and Eve being easily deceived any more than verse 15 suggests women actually find their eternal salvation through childbearing. After all, if women were unfit for leadership for this reason, they would be unfit to teach or lead anyone, including children and other women. Furthermore, we also know full well that Adam fell into temptation and sinned as Eve did, which is reiterated time and time again in Scripture. This is likely intended to be an argument to a particular local context, since we see in the fuller context of 2 Timothy and Titus that female ministry was affirmed.
Keep in mind again that this is not just an issue of bending and contorting the text to say what we would like it to say. God knows we all, every single one of us, does that at one instance or another. The problem with living out to the letter all of Scriptural (especially the NT) prescriptions for all the 1st-century believers is that it will almost always break down. So where does it end? Should men be able to have long hair? Should women not weird braids or jewelry? Because that sort of thing is proposed as often as them keeping quiet and submissive. Is it okay for women to teach Bible classes in university and seminary or to write books on theology or Biblical study? Because that would be teaching an audience inclusive of men.
This (the gender issue) is a legitimate question of exegesis and, though this is certainly not an essential of the faith, its ramifications on all of our lives, especially for the 51% majority, is great. We would do well to pretend this was so entirely obvious either way. I confess it is a very difficult question that I've grappled with for years, which is the case with the best minds on either side of the fence.
Enough for tonight. I have a sick wife and a sick poodle and a class of children who will be waiting for me in 6 hours.