obviously we have a breakdown among the sola Scriptura camps...so who's right and who's wrong? when both camps are throwing Holy Scripture around saying "I'm praying for God's guidance to interpret Scripture properly"?
what's the measuring stick...how would one define correct teaching?
The Protestant Church today doesn't look anything like the Protestant Church let's say 50 years ago...worship services are different, with contemporary worship now the norm...communion is served once a month, it that...woman pastors, divorced deacons and pastors...now gay and lesbian pastors...where will it stop?
Even the Roman Catholic Church has changed, especially since Vatican II...As I was on my spiritual journey that led me to the Orthodox Church, I visited a number of RCC's where I thought I was back in a UMC praise and worship service...
what's the measuring stick...how would one define correct teaching?
The Protestant Church today doesn't look anything like the Protestant Church let's say 50 years ago...worship services are different, with contemporary worship now the norm...communion is served once a month, it that...woman pastors, divorced deacons and pastors...now gay and lesbian pastors...where will it stop?
Even the Roman Catholic Church has changed, especially since Vatican II...As I was on my spiritual journey that led me to the Orthodox Church, I visited a number of RCC's where I thought I was back in a UMC praise and worship service...