You notice the title of this thread is a parady of the thread?:
You Are Chosen! Believe it or Not! Like it or Not!
Does anyone not see the deterministic factor in that title? My title pits creaturely volition against the doctrines of Determinism. Does anyone note that He left the "or Not!" off the "You are Chosen!" That title is typical of the masking used by Calvinist that hides the transparency that their doctrine, gospel message, amounts to and gives yet another example which is equal to saying the Good News is only for for the specially preselected few...Like it or Not!...Na Na Doo Doo if you're one of the unlucky ones that wasn't pre-chosen!This message isn't for you! :tear:
1) There is no boasting for the elect over the non-elect. We performed no works, no merit, no self-derived will to come to God. Our only boast is in the cross of Christ (Gal. 6:14).
2) God will be glorified in all things, including His wrath to those who are at enmity with him. In the end, God's holiness will be displayed and His wrath will come against the ungodly. That's not a 'bad' thing that requires pity - it's a Biblical concept ignored in modern Christianity.