OK...it's "RE-surging" not merely "surging"...My, mistake, am I thus your mortal enemy? This seems to be ancillary.
No. Why would you ask?
I think Edwards described himself as "Congregationalist"...I may be mistaken.
That is correct. But Whitefield and Edwards had influence on most denominations in the colonies. the denomination that benefited most from their preaching and influence was the Baptist denomination.
As a Molinist....when you begin speaking of counter-factuals...I think you enter MY domain (not yours) and frankly...I HAVE NO CLUE!!!! I don't think we do either what might or "would" have occurred eithter.....But...I DO think that GOD DOES, and he knows it as "Fact".
Only God perfectly understands the Contingencies of Humanly freedom or what counter-factuals DO or DO NOT possess anything like a "truth-value"...unless I mis-understand your Theology...This is a statement that you maintain is not actually possible to make.
This is a distraction from the actual question. Calvinists believe that God uses means to accomplish his purposes. He uses sneaky people, he uses oblivious people, etc...
Nothing I said is inconsistent with my theology here.
MY Theology provides for the possiblility of such counter-factual truth-claims...yours (to my understanding) does not.
It is not possible- that is true. But speculation of how events would have occured is not forbidden.
We preach all of the time such scenarios for intellectual purposes only. We say things like, "Oh, friend, WHAT IF Christ did not come to this earth!?!"
Or we say, "What if that asteroid had hit your city today? Would you be ready? Would you have prepared as many people as possible?"
This is not stating that it COULD have happened. It is designed to make one think.
Presumably, all this demonstrates is that Calvinists should not have been so hasty to permit Arminians to "infiltrate" their Churches or their convention or their Association... IF, that is your position, then fine...but I won't "tit-for-tat" about it...What I'll do is possibly suggest that a peaceable dis-association is possibly in order.
What it demonstrates is that philosophies and soteriologies wax and wane from generation to generation. Had the SBC been to tightly tied to one other it might not have survived the time of waning. I submit that if it ties itself too tightly to Arminianism today- with the SBC numbers shrinking and Calvinism surging- it might not survive today.
SBC flexibility has enabled it to survive and thrive in shifting periods of time.
Of course not...I think Arminians need to be 100% honest. But, I know of few complaints by Calvinists who were caught utterly off-guard by some sneaky Arminian who infiltrated them and started preaching about "free-willism" and such....that's not precisely the discussion we are having.
Should they outlay exactly when they believe the rapture is going to occur- at the beginning middle or end... or not at all... particularly when the church has made no indication of any staunch preference one way or the other? No.
You know why? The Baptist Faith and Message embraces numerous different eschatologies- JUST as it embraces different soteriologies.
I think BOTH do...I know that Calvinists WILL ask, some Arminians simply won't KNOW to...so I would prefer they BOTH did.
You answer questions and ask questions as a candidate. You don't spend ten hours divulging every detail of your beliefs when they ALL LINE UP WITH THE SBC STATEMENT OF FAITH.
OK...debateable...as far as the general thrust of Soterilogical debate goes...but, fine...I would actually be willing to stipulate that EVERY major Spiritual and Theological advance in the Continental US was TOTALLY and completely under the guise and leadership of Calvinists if you felt like it...
I DO understand LOGIC...and EVEN if I stipulate as much (I'm willing to)...those schooled in logic know it doesn't prove anything.
Granted....Calvinists, were foolish enough to let evil Arminians take over their denomination.
No. Calvinists dried up. It wasn't because of their theology. We NEEDED a fresh group of fired up evangelists to come.
Now Arminianism is going the way of the seeker-sensitive, charismatic, Osteen, church is all about you route.
And it is dying.
Now the SBC NEEDS guys like David Platt and Mark Dever.
Yes...Naive Calvinists let Evil Arminians take over their denomination.....What does this say??
They were so busy condemning the masses to hell with their insistence that God probablistically DIDN'T elect them that they missed the warning to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves"? Because, if you let the Arminians take over YOUR denomination in such a way...I pity you, you shouldn't have.
Nobody said Arminians are evil. You know better.
By "kinda" I meant to suggest "growth" in numbers only....which is the statistic I am assuming you will point to to demonstrate this particular Calvinists' success...
Note: In my Arminian Church...and EVERY Arminian Church I've been to in my life..we don't guage "growth" as sheerly a calculation of people who have filled out the "decision-cards"...We actually know better.
My experience is the DEAD LEVEL opposite. I don't KNOW of a Calvinist who uses "decision cards". Every SBC church I've ever seen that does the Halloween Hell House and then get hundreds to sign decision cards were all HEAVILY Arminian.
I had not thought you would agree...In fact, I would think that this thread along with others you have posed suggested otherwise...
No, I mean if one HAS to leave and start over it should be the Arminians.
Calvinists should keep the seminaries, NAMB, IMB etc...