Not necessarily - your statement could be code for "women should not wear pants"
Too obscure and has nothing to do with the Law.
If such
a code had legal standing, it would have to appear in the Federal Register to which any citizen could read and be privy to such "codes".
Agree that the term "Sexual harassment"
has been ridiculously broadened from the "INTENT" that one "gender", (male or female), is "harassed" by another person for the "purpose" of having a "sexual" encounter......
TO; the FEELINGS of the "supposed" "victim....and the "hopeful" reliance of a "jury" who is ignorant of LAW, and gives weight to FEELINGS, over and above the Law.
The "Politically Correct" connotation weighs in beginning with: Government "policies" for Government employees, flowing over into "private" employers 'copying' the "policies" of the Government pertaining to "its" employees.....and then "flows" over to the public at large, setting in place the SAME "policy", (without an employee/ employer relationship), but rather purporting it as "common law", which "requires" no written law.
And precisely why ~ the public at large can either "agree" or "not agree" with the "Politically Correct" format.
And in a nutshell ~ "employers" have every right to SET policies, for their "employees" during performance of their duty's on the job.
And when such a "policy" between "employer / employee" crosses the line into the general public at large....
The result is the "public at large" begins ACCEPTING as common law; that such supposed "common law" supersedes "their RIGHT to FREE SPEECH".
Fact is; outside of an employee / employer relationship where the employee is bound by Specific policies regarding "co-workers"..... the public at large HAS the RIGHT to Speak any way, to any one, whom they desire.
Short of (slander), the one being spoken to may or may not like it, and can put on their adult shoes and handle it by any number of methods.