Originally posted by rsr:
Tim: Has your church had contact with West Virginia Baptists for Biblical Truth, which is pushing for the vote at the annual meeting?
What are the chances the convention would vote to break with the ABC-USA? If it did, would your church go along?
First Question, yes we have been contacted,
And for the second question, Only God knows what will happen.
I believe every church in the WVBC is united in the stand that Homosexuality is incapatable with Christianity. (That is the ABC-USA's stand also)
The question is where do we go from here.
The WVBC along with the Kentucky/Indiana Convention have presented a resolution to the General board outlineing what we would like to see done. The second reading is in November, but our WVBC annual meeting is this month.
Personally, and this is my personal opinion, I'm waiting to see what happens in November before taking the next step of voting to separate from ABC-USA.
Again there are thousands of Godly ABC-USA churches and a handful of fringe churches that are causing this riff.
My point is why should we let a handful of churches run away thousands of Godly churches?
We should stand on biblical authority, and fight the good fight of faith.
That is what Jude says to do:
Jud 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort [you] that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
There is a time to separate, but I don't feel it is now. Now is the time to fight. Soldiers should not leave their posts in a war. And the more churches that bow out of the fight, the less influence we have on the ABC-USA.
There is too much good stuff in ABC-USA, to just throw our hands up and quit.
What about all the missionaries and peoples around the world that depend on us. How can God be pleased with a church that says, "we cut off our mission support(that goes to missionaries, that are not gay), because a church in California is affirming gays and may give to the same mission."?
What about the ABMen's disaster relief efforts, should we just cut them off too? They were some of the first on the scene the Monday when Katrina came. We were there way before the military. What about all the ABwomen's groups, and AByouth groups around the country that are serving the Lord faithfully. There is too many things good going on to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Again this is my personal opinion.