ASLANSPAL, you're still not correctly comprehending what I've written and you're still playing out a game of lies with my words. When a Christian brother does this it can sting a bit and tends to make one angry. I will do my best to avoid that anger for it would not be constructive.
Originally posted by ASLANSPAL:
[Dragoon68] you are not even bouncing this off the touchstone of Jesus Christ and that answer comes back that torture is wrong and [humiliation] is wrong...Jesus suffered those things so others would not have to.
Jesus Christ suffered on the cross as an atonement for our sins so we could be presented to the Father blameless for what we've actually done. Our suffering on this earth can not be compared as equal to that of His. Our suffering is the result of evil - our own or that of others - and is permitted - for punishment or for testimony to His greatness - by God's will. Our Lord's suffering was according the Father's will that He - Jesus Christ - might die and rise again victorious over Satan. He did not suffer to prevent us from suffering in this life else there we be none today. There will be suffering - some in His name and to His glory - until the day He returns and ends all wars forever. That is the "touchstone" which I try to remember every day.
Originally posted by ASLANSPAL:
No one is discrediting good but for sure we are going to expose evil ...your crusader talk only ends to unrighteous cause that brings a bad name to Christianity.
ASLANSPAL, crusading for the truth doesn't bring a bad name to Christianity. It is, rather, a righteous endeavor by unrighteous persons seeking wisdom, strength, and resolve from our Creator, Savior, and Guide to stand fast in the face of adversity on this earth. I'm certain that I'm often wrong in what I say and do. In this case, however, I'm relatively certain I'm correct.
The "evil" you're talking about was already exposed and has been, or is being, properly dealt with. Perhaps, you're just wanting to whip up some fresh excitement over it to continue the discrediting of America's good name? Forgive me if I'm wrong but that's what it seems like to me.
Originally posted by ASLANSPAL:
Christianity should not be hijacked by people like that justify torture and [humiliation], and in the mix now is children ...American Christians will not stand for that and respond with revulsion and a call to repentance.
So now you're also claiming some of us are "hijacking" Christianity because we've clarified the difference between torture, humiliation, and legal interrogation techniques even including references to the law of war that our nation abides by?
The problem, I suspect, is that you don't understand there is even a difference. It reminds me why the news media often does such a poor job of reporting about things they know nothing about. People misuse terms out of ignorance or, worse, because of deliberate attempts to convey the wrong meanings.
Originally posted by ASLANSPAL:
Of course voices should be raised especially now as we learn that children are involved and not do like people in the past and ignore evil. Hopefully it is not a culture and it is just a minority..but we still need to root it out.
[Dragoon68] you just want to keep enabling it you actually said this: "Be glad that America does NOT use torture and that the misbehavior at Abu Ghraib was NOT torture"
The above [position] you have taken is indefensible when you reflect with the holy spirit.
My statement - the sole one you quoted - is the truth when measured against the facts available up to this point in time. Your assertion about what I said is a complete lie and is based upon what you want that truth to be. I certainly do not promote the use of torture nor mistreatment of prisoners of war and detainees. I have clearly said that the misconduct which did occur, that we know about, was wrong and it has been properly dealt with. Several people have already received due punishment for their actions. Is there something about that you don't want to accept? Is there some reason why those facts of what I've written seem to elude your response?
By the way, I'm probably more displeased with the misconduct that occurred at Abu Ghraib than you'll ever be. I, like most veterans, don't like it when the actions of few misfits who pull stupid stunts effect the reputations of the rest. However, I dislike equally, if not more, the ignorant and malicious comments of our detractors who care not about anyone's reputations but use anything and everything to support their political agendas.
It is not my place, as a mere mortal, to speak for the Holy Spirit but I feel no guilt from any of my comments thus far on this subject. I do have plenty in my lifetime about which to feel considerable guilt and remorse.
Originally posted by ASLANSPAL:
The artists [interpretation] is already making the news wires in other countries...the administration needs to release the photos to show if they are that extreme or less extreme.
Data is emerging, no matter how the administration attempts to hide it, that the new photos and video of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison include the torture of children. Norway's Prime Minister's office says it plans to address the situation with the U.S. "in a very severe and direct way."
If, and that's a big IF, evidence - not merely "artist's interpretations and wishful hoping by some - is forth coming of other cases of misconduct then, they also should be dealt with according to the law following due process. I have confidence they would be based on past experiences.
In ever war there have been cases of misconduct by soldiers against civilians, against the enemy, and against one another. Those cases involve every form of crime known to man just as is practiced in civilian life except, on average, the incident rate is lower because of the high level of discipline in the military environment. Murder, rape, assault, torture, etc. have all, never the less, happened at some point. I've personally dealt with many incidents of these matters in the course of my duties and I doubt you could enlightened me about them in the slightest degree. Every commander I've ever severed under was diligent in maintaining good order and discipline among their troops and would not tolerate any misconduct.
However - this is the main point - these things, in modern times, have never been approved policy, have never been part of official doctrine, have been widespread, have never reflected the character of the average soldier, and have never been condoned by the responsible military leadership. There will also be those who don't go by the rules - some by choice, some by accident, and some by the horrible nature of conflict that simply overcomes them - but our military and the nation it serves is far above that in its standards. Neither deserves to be drug down and racked over the misdeeds a few most especially in a venue open to the true enemies of liberty and justice we fight. That, like it or not, is the truth. ASLANSPAL, I ask you to ponder carefully these concepts.
Originally posted by ASLANSPAL:
Could this mean losing yet another ally in the Iraq occupation? Amnesty International in Norway has said that Norway can no longer continue their occupation of Iraq, or their support of US policy in this matter. And some countries, as Tom Tomorrow notes, actually listen to their activists.
Hopefully our allies are not as fickle and weak minded as some of our citizens. Hopefully they can see beyond the actions of some misfits to the true fiber of our military and the nation it serves. Otherwise, they probably weren't of much help as an ally and their "support" will not likely be missed.
Originally posted by ASLANSPAL:
While there isn't even an inkling of this in the US Mainstream media, all over the world people are beginning to read about the US abusing children at Abu Ghraib.
Yes, I'm certain there's an "army" of "paper warriors" ready to do "battle" with more lies, exaggerations, and distortions even if they involve the regurgitation of previous incidents and matters already addressed. ASLANSPAL, my Christian brother, don't be one of these. Come and stand with us on the side of truth.
Originally posted by ASLANSPAL:
Dragoon I want to warn you! you are fixing to fall into it again, it is irresponsible to spin this as torture lite or humiliation is indelibly wrong. It compromises who Jesus is and what He stands for. ...
I ask you again, warn be of what, ASLANSPAL?