No, I don't. Here is the reason:Do you not think what he said was accurate? SBC as a convention, it's programs, it's training, it's missionaries, all trickle into the local SBC churches. What the convention does, most member churches adopt. Easy believerosm is rampant in the SBC and it's churches.
1. History disproves the idea. There was a time when liberal theology was growing in the SBC and its seminaries. I remember "seminary" becoming a "bad word" among SBC churches. But the issue at that time was the SBC was not accurately representing the body of churches it was called to represent. So there was a "turn over".
2. Even now there are many SBC churches that are apprehensive about the SBC itself. Several prefer seminaries that affirm the BF&M but that are not under the SBC governance. Many refuse to use SBC materials. But they remain SBC churches (perhaps out of tradition or because they support the SBC mission effort). My experience has been that the larger SBC churches support the SBC wholeheartedly while the smaller ones are perhaps more weary about several of the resolutions and even the direction.
3. There is no data that suggest that most SBC churches hold to a doctrine of "easy believism". People will believe what they want to believe (opinion), and that is fine. But when Christians start condemning other churches that is not fine.