Probably the one thing that is the most common thread in what I understand as easy-believism is a preacher or "soulwinner" getting people (whether en masse or one-on-one) to repeat a prayer after them and then tell them if they repeated that prayer they are saved.
My first taste of undergraduate biblical training was at a school that approached evangelism in this manner. While it is popular to call it "easy believism", the genesis of this type of evangelism can be traced to Charles Finney and his brand of Revivalism. Finney was heavy on decision and light on repentance. Just get the sinner to say the prayer. What Finney started, many 20th-century evangelists perfected. I remember the altar calls at stadium and auditorium evangelism events that my bible college was famous for. Finney would be proud of things like, "If you can't stand for the Lord in a place like this surrounding by hundreds [or thousands] of His people, you won't stand for Him anywhere!" Or one of my favorites, "Grab the person next to you and bring them up front." And if they made a false profession? No problem! Come back to the next rally and we will get you to come forward and re-dedicate your life. We will even give you a little "spiritual birth certificate" sticker to put in the front of your Bible. When I remember this time in my life I feel a mixture of sadness and anger.
OK. My venting is done.