Originally Posted by Thinkingstuff
However, you state: Sounds like what our legal system calls entrapment
Not at all. God uses sin to bring about his glory. Man is still held responsible for it is his sin nature that controls him. Its much like a mouse maze. God places things in our life to turn us. We still have a choice as does the mouse.
How did God harden the heart of pharaoh? He did it by asking pharaoh to do right. God also knew he would not. Now years later pharaoh stands before God. God says..Pharaoh why did you not listen to me? Can Pharaoh say...but God you didn't tell me? Can he say..God you didn't give me a chance? Not at all.
The same is true in the garden. Can Adam say ..."God you only gave me one choice and all the other choices were evil???" Nope
Did God setup the garden? Yes.
Did God setup Adam? You could look at it that way, but he set him up where he would have no excuse.
And by Man you mean Adam.
well..yes Adam. But he still could have killed all mankind at any point. But he did not. This to shows his love and mercy. NO?
In which case, God would be just (though the entrapment issue is still outstanding) punishing Adam but instead he lets Adam propigate and places each of his decendents under the same judgement even though it wasn't by their choice.
You'er free to call it anything you wish. I would not call it entrapment because within Adam before the fall rest a will to say no to sin.
Punishing not only Adam, but also all of Adams race......I agree. BTW..the Bible agrees
They are guilty by association.
and we are saved by association as well. Is that fair?
And now they can't even choose!
The choice is always out there, but man is not able to chose because of sin.
Like this....
Lets say you like the NY Jets. In fact you love the Jets. You are a Jet freak. That is all you talk about...and you have all the Jet stuff all over your office. You drive a Jet green car....and always wear jet green shoes.
Lets say I have tickets to the Jets and the Lions. I offer you one...but only one. Both tickets are on the same day. Both are open games. Because I offer both knowing which one you will take, does that mean I forced them on you? I think not.
So God wasn't satisfied by condemning one man but billions to eternal torment for the choice of one man!
You got it now.
What does that say about God
That he is a just God and he hates sin. What does that say to you?
Sounds like a narsicistic, vengful, meglomaniac egotist.
That is what my atheist friend says. Do you believe that as well?
But that's ok because God chose a few to go to Heaven (and they don't really have a choice in this matter either)
that is a poor understanding of election. No one is forced into anything.
You have failed to work out each system to its final end. Stick around....we will get there.
He sets up billions of people to suffer for all eternity that some (couple million maybe) might get to hang out with him singing his praise and telling God how good he is by selecting them and suffering temporarily so that he could have satisfied his judgement which was caused by an entrapment scheme.
I don't agree...but lets say he did. I see no problem...do you?
Also you said But Doesn't your theology state that God is good and that man is made in his image so there is something good.
However, God saves man because man is made in his image but cannot do the same things for angels because they're nothing like him?
We are not told that God saves man because he is made in his image. Please state your source.
Kind of fitting in God's motif of being a Narcisist.
The chief end of man is to what?