Love never fails...and God is Love. So if he died for all of mankind parts of his love did not work. If however his blood was for those he loved did not fail. It had the power to save and it worked. Gods love does not depend on mans love for Gods love to work.
If he died for all, than all sins are forgven and all are saved, for the power of the blood worked and did not need man to stamp it complete.
Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that
the world through him
might be saved.
Ro 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;
1Jo 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and
not for ours only, but also for the
sins of the whole world.
2Pe 3:9 not willing that
any should perish, but that
all should come to repentance.
If you attempted to sit up a court of law according to calvin's doctrine and the law of scripture, it would very quickly become known as the most "corrupt court" in the land.
According to the "LAW", The "defense Attorney" (Jesus) has already paid the "fine" (wages) for "any/all" that will believe/confess his name to the "Judge", (God)
he is the propitiation for our sins: and
not for ours only, but also for the
sins of the whole world.
the world through him
might be saved.
According to Calvin,the defendant (person) innocents/guilt doesn't depend on whether the person believes or not,
but on an
"Arbitrary" decision of the "judge", (predestination) without regards for the law and the fact that the "fine" (wages) paid was sufficient to cover his violation of the law.
In this situation, the "Judge" is actually "denying" the defendant (person) coverage of Jesus's death for the sins of the whole world,
A Judge can not
"Arbitrary" withhold any coverage of the law from a defendant, he can only issue a verdict according to law.
And our innocent/guilt under God's law is based on "OUR BELIEF/UNBELIEF" in Jesus,
and the Judge has "N

PTION" but to issue a verdict of innocent/guilt according to the law, based on "our belief/unbelief".
Joh 3:18 He that
believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is
condemned already, because
he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
This is why Calvins doctrine, predestination/arbitrary decision of the Judge, won't work in a court of law and why it would be a "Corrupt court",
"Limited Atonement" puts "Jesus, "God" and the "law" at variance with each other.
I agree that God "foreknew" the future, but that future wasn't a predestination by "Sovereign will".