Sorry for that and thank God all is wellSorry, brother, for not replying sooner as was my intent. The school had called and my son was taken to the hospital by ambulance and I was there for the most part of the morning. He’s fine and at home, so I’ll venture a couple of comments in what may continue to be a worthwhile discussion.
Thank you, bring them onthink that there may be a couple of points you can address to make your argument stronger.
Wrong. One does not have to harbor doubts about their arguments or theories to be disingenuous; they may simply be tying 'loose ends', I mean who does not cherish 'neat' theories?First, when we determine that a person is disingenuous in his conclusions (here that Calvin comes to one conclusion but purposes the opposite) then we generate (as Squire’s signature says…or did at one time) more heat than light. As Calvin is not here to defend himself, we have to accept him at his word. We can question his presuppositions, logic, and conclusions, but not that he believed the doctrines he claimed to hold.
So Calvin appeals to mystery to get around obvious contradictions of his philosophy.
I'm afraid it's more than 'seem';he says as much. And he is aware of this inevitable charge hence attempts to preempt it by framing reservations and appealing to mystery.John Calvin did not believe that his view of predestination made God the author of evil, although it does seem he believed that God is the cause of all things.
Here it may be wise to discern between event and motivation.
If you think he believed otherwise, is it too hard to ask for evidence? I have faithfully backed my claim with ample citations. Either I quoted them out of context,in which case I humbly request you quote them in their context, or I skipped others indicating his contrary stance which I will request you to share.
Does it matter how vehemently one denies talking about number two when they are talking about the square root of four?
I disagree. He started with a deduction before going for a fishing expedition. Or perhaps he lingered too long at the feet of someone who did.Second, Calvin was indeed guided by Scripture, but this does not mean that he interpreted those passages through which he drew support and conclusions correctly.
I was very particular in my OP. Once we sufficiently deal with that, we can always interrogate scriptures on the subject.I think that perhaps this is where value can be had – in revisiting passages concerning providence and testing those doctrines we would believe (regardless of where one ends up on the issue).
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