Well-Known Member
Your correlation is false.
Just because God tells us to preach to all the world, it does not therefore mean that all the world will believe.
John 3:16 says that those who believe will not perish, which agrees with limited atonement.
Salvation is preached to all. Only those whom God gives ears to hear will hear and believe.
That's Christianity 101.
Why do you fight against the bit? I presume you read the Bible. Are these truths hidden from your eyes?
Again, the command to preach to all the world contradicts the very religion and essence of Calvin's God. For Calvin's God says only those he arbitrarily chose to be the elect can be saved, regardless if you preach to them or not. If they are one of the lucky ones who won the salvation coin toss, your preaching is futile; it has no effect and cannot change the sovereignty of Calvin's God (divine determinism - acting with Volutnas versus Logos). In other words, they are elect whether you preach to them or not. On the other hand, if you try preaching to a poor sap who Calvin's God arbitrarily chose to be pulpwood just for the sake of taking pleasure in destroying, then your preaching is also futile because he is incapable of being saved, regardless of whether he chooses to believe and love God or not. If you are elect, you are going to heaven whether you want to or not. If you are not elect, you are pulpwood whether you choose to believe in God and love him or not. If Calvinists do preach, they should at least be honest with people and add two caveats: "Jesus died for you only if you are one of the elect." And, "Oh and if you think you are one of the elect Jesus died for, don't be so sure, because God could be tricking you to just illumine your mind into thinking you are one of his elect, only to pull the rug out from under you at the end."
John 3:16 ---> What Scripture says ---> " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
What Calvin's God says ---> "For God so hated the world that he gave his only begotten son as his personal whipping boy to unleash his wrath and damnation upon so that whosoever God arbitrarily chose to be elected may have everlasting life."
Calvin's God is the antithesis of the God of Christianity, who offers ALL men the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ. The God of Christianity has no strings attached. It's a free gift offered to all. He loves all and desires all to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
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