Fervor refers to "desire," and that is exactly what I was attempting to disprove. Even if it could be shown that the PCA is MORE effective at its size in reaching higher percentages of lost people (which in fact the stats don't support) that doesn't prove greater desire (fervor) for evangelism base on their soteriology. It WOULD only prove their methods are more effective.Then we need to define our terms.
What do we mean by evangelistic.
If we mean fervor for the Great Commission then my stats and arguments hold.
Plus, everyone knows that when an denomination or even a local congregation reaches a certain size its effectiveness can suffer due to the bureaucracy associated with larger top heavy organizations. It may not have anything to do with doctrinal fervor for evangelism.
No they don't. The stats I provided showed just the opposite point you were attempting to make, but I'm not presenting them in effort to say the SBC has more or less evangelistic fervor...I am saying that PCA has more evangelistic fervor than SBC at this point in history and the stats prove it.