Also the oft leveled charge that Calvinists don't believe in missions. "God has elected people from eternity past and since he is sovereign he will save these people, so let's sit on our hands and not spread the gospel."
Sorry but this has in fact been true and is still true among some today.
Certainly Calvinists are sick and tired of these misrepresentations. So why do they promulgate their own false charges against non-Cals?
And why is it that the number of threads by Calvinists denigrating non-Cal beliefs dwarf the number of threads by non-Cals that call into question the Calvinist beliefs?
I can answer that. I would say people in general but with regards to cals this is true also believe that what is posted on these forums establishes truth. I remember Reformed saying somewhat recently that they need to defeat any view that is other than Calvinism with regards to Soteriology. They want to be the last post on an issue as they do not want what a non cal posts left to stand.
Everyone should avoid these characterizations but often non cals are responding to attacks from cals. And yes these characterizations are in fact attacks. They are good for debate tactics but stifle true discussion. I do not get involved in those debates near as much as I used to because of it.
Then there is the often trotted out mantra, "you must be feeling convicted if you are offended by what I say about your position" (Mark paraphrase of their words).