Answering a straw man argument? No thank you.
I'm not interested in propping up strawmen and using deceitful tactics to try and discredit you.
That's the furthest thing from my mind.
To me, that is also juvenile, and I would not want anyone to do it to me.
However, I genuinely would like to see why you disagree with the 5 "points of "Arminianism", and how.
Call it an exercise.
After all, it's never a bad thing to dig into God's word and sharpen up on doctrine, only a good thing.
In addition, I seem to recall making this request sometime last year.
I believe that I phrased it something like, " If Traditionalists claim not to be "Arminians", then please show me how they
differ from "Arminians" in the the "Calvinism versus Arminianism" chart.
I've yet to receive a good reply on it, that I'm aware of.
As far as I can tell from my own experience, they differ in only one "point"...loss of salvation.
The remainder of their teachings are right in line with the other 4 "points".
Since the claim is "I'm not an "Arminian", then to me,
nothing on the "Arminian ( Wesleyan )" side of the chart should even
remotely resemble what the "Traditionalist" can list, if it were done point by point in a summary fashion.
So, if not "Arminian", then we're back to square one, as I see it.
How "Traditionalists" can agree with 4 of the 5 points of the "Arminian" chart and yet not consider themselves as "Arminians", puzzles me.
It also confused me years ago when I asked one of my former pastors about it, and he said that we were "Calvinistic"...later on, I discovered that he not only did not consider himself an "Arminian"
because he disagreed with loss of salvation, but that he considered himself "Calvinistic"
because he agreed with "eternal security".
Apparently, his idea of "Arminian" hinged
completely on whether or not someone believed in loss of salvation.
On a side note, I'm almost sure that a "non-Calvinist" would call someone who believes in
one of the
first 4 "points" of the "Calvinist" chart, a "Calvinist"...for example, "Unconditional Election", but none of the rest.
Wouldn't you say?
I'll put it another way...
What would you call me if I only believed in 4 of the 5 points of "Calvinism"?
A "Calvinist"?