Calvinists must hold, by their own view of predestination, that God is the author of sin. Everything has been predetermined by Him.God is Holy and pure, in Him is no darkness, and he cannot tempt us to sin, as that would go against His very nature, and Calvinists do NOT hold that God caused satan and adam to sin against him, as both of them made your vaunted 'free will choosing!"
Since both of them chose to sin in a perfect environment, how can we who are sinners by birth do anything less than they did, apart from the saving work of God towards us?
You are unwilling to say that God gave Satan a will to choose.
You are unwilling to say that God gave Adam a will to choose.
You are unwilling to say that anyone has a will to choose.
No Calvinist would.
Thus the logical outcome of SBM:
That is his conclusion, not mine.He is, He is the Author and Maker of the ones who sinned. When they sinned they only did what He authored, determined, destined for them to do ! The God I serve and Worship is the Author of sin for His Redemptive Purpose in Christ !
Why are you arguing with me? I am not the one that believes God is the author of sin. You, the Calvinist, believes this way.