Believe it or not there are many Cals in real life, maybe not on this board that are just as hard on non-cals as Wineman is on Cals. I have heard one say in the pulpit he hated Arminian's, and used the scripture Psa 139:22 where David said I hate them with a perfect hatred. I told my wife, a preacher is not supposed to preach hate out of the pulpit. Christ said to love your enemies that men might see that you are the children of God. I am constantly hearing out of this same man's pulpit that free willer's are not saved. Just last Sunday the guy said if a man left sovereign grace gospel and went to the free will church he had committed the un-pardonable sin. I've heard him say every thing from a woman that works don't know Christ to if a Christian couple files for a divorce, the one that filed first don't know Christ. So there seems to be enough hatred on both sides to go around.
In my opinion, from what I understand and read from the scriptures, it is this preacher who is most likely un-regenerated.