No, but many Calvinists don't affirm that Adam had a libertarian free will prior to the fall anyway, so I don't see that it matters.
ONLY adam and Jesus were without sin natures, and Adam exchanged that for a sinner nature at the fall...
Just saying that Humanity doesn't even have that same offer to freely respond to God as Adam once did!
I don't understand the question. God's desire to save us doesn't mean He desires to save us irresistibly. It only means his desire is for us to come to faith and be saved according to the appointed means (gospel etc).
So you would say that cals hold that God has a determinitive Will as regarding saving his elect in Christ, while Non cals see it as God permissive Will to save them, dependent upon their free will response to the Gospel offer?
No. We are born enemies, slaves to sin and dead in our trespasses.
I just believe that enemies can be reconciled, slaves can be set free and the dead can be brought to life by the means God has appointed. THE GOSPEL. Just because someone can reject that means and 'trade the truth for a lie" doesn't make it less powerful or 'not of God.' The power of something is measured by its intent, not its effectuality. It the gospel was intended to save everyone who heard it then you'd be correct to insist that God had failed, but the gospel's intent is to make an appeal for reconciliation, and it never fails to do just that.