Exactly.....your posting is solid and biblical...notice no scripture or solid teaching finds it's way back from these persons...interesting!:thumbsup::wavey:
I think most have been waiting for a Calvinist response before engaging, except for a little rhetoric and antagonizing
In fairness, Archangel made a valid observation:
We do not see anything in Jonah's message about an offer of eternal redemption. But that begs the question - was the recorded "sermon" all Jonah preached? Or was there more that was not recorded? Anyone can speculate, and many on both sides do.
Also, Reformed made a valid point - that Jonah is not a doctrinal book, like Romans. When we're reading narratives, we are ALL going to import our doctrinal position into the text, because that is the paradigm from which we understand the narrative.
It could be argued that their concern was an earthly perishing, not an eternal perishing. Seems to be a valid argument, based on what is written of the content of Jonah's preaching
However, in 3:5 we are told the people of Ninevah believed in God. Is this the same "believed in God" that was said of Abraham, when it was credited to him as righteousness (Gen 15:6)? Or the Israelites in Exodus 14:31? Or the Philippian jailor and his household in Acts 16:34?
If not, why not?