Acts chapters 8 and 9 are also rather expanded in the TR [Textus Receptus] due to material brought over from the Vulgate [Latin Vulgate]. If one looks up Acts 8:37 ("And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God," KJV), for example, in the NIV, one will not find such a verse (outside of the textual footnote, that is). The reason is the verse is found in only a very few Greek manuscripts, none earlier than the sixth century, and Erasmus inserted it due to its presence in the Vulgate and in the margin of one Greek manuscript in his possession. We again note that this passage is surely very orthodox, and, in fact, is often laden with emotional attachment as well, making it very easy to "preach" against its "deletion" by modern texts. But, of course, we must overcome our emotionalism to again ask the central question, "What did Luke write at this point?" While the insertion surely speaks the truth, so would inserting the Westminster Confession of Faith between Titus chapters 2 and 3. But no one is going to suggest doing that. We cannot "improve" upon what God has revealed. 51