Since one can Lie and still be a Christian, can one be unkind and still go to heaven? Or if you are impatient, or cheat on your spouse?
Sanctification, or the process of imparting righteousness in and through OUR OWN BODIES WHILE ON EARTH has nothing whatsoever to do with determining or obtaining entrance into heaven.
Justification is what determines and obtains entrance into heaven and it is entirely about righteousness in and through by Christ IN HIS OWN BODY while on earth.
The reason that sanctification has NOTHING to do with determining or obtaining entrance into heaven is because entrance into heaven demands righteousness that EXCEEDS the best of men (Mt. 5:20) and EQUALS the best of God (Mt. 5:46), while sanctification NEVER is completed in this life nor EVER produces a life which God's standard for heaven can approve.
Will saints then die with incomplete unfinished personal righteousness? Obviously they will. Thus, they will did as "ungodly" in regard to their own persons. However, justification is only for the "ungodly" (Rom. 4:5) since there are no other kind of human beings existing on earth.
However, every other view of justification actually denies that God justifies the "ungodly", as they confuse and include sanctification in regard to ultimate justification, so that God ultimately never justifies the "ungodly" but always ends up justifying only the "godly." If we entered heaven as we now are at death we would be entering as "ungodly", but thank God for instant glorification which removes all corruption of soul and body, because
glorification is not conditioned upon going beyond a certain point in progressive sanctification but glorification is based wholly upon the absolute sinlessness of Jesus Christ as the only standard for entrance into heaven or justification - period
However, you view ultimately must determine at what point in PROGRESSIVE sanctification is sufficient for ultimate justification for entrance into heaven. Where do you draw the line IN A LIFE OF IMPERFECTION that determines they are sufficiently sanctified for glorification to occur???